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Friday, September 4, 2009

Politics and the Race card

If you think that race is a non-factor now thta we've elected a Black president, you're a damn fool. Politics is still riddled with racism, while America suffers from a greater ill--retardationalism. (No using the term retard is NOT politically correct at all. No one has ever accused me of being politically correct or even tactful so deal with it).

Example number one I saw on the news this morning. Cook County Commissioner Deborah Sims had "racist" voice messasges left on her voicemail the past few days. One message was left by a white male (based on the sound of his voice and accent) hoping for Ms. Sims to catch AIDS and die. Not sure how this is racist--except for the fact that a white man wished ill will on a Black woman. She claims everything has always been about race since Todd Stroger took over as Cook County President. How so? Because the white commissioners are calling out all of the BULLSHIT the unqualified Black commissioners are on?

The reality is Black politicians (especially in this city) always want to pull the race card when they are on bullshit. And other Black politicians and "leaders" will fall in line--because they want to benefit from said bullshit or eventually pull some of their own bullshit. But this has nothing to do with RACE. EVERY politician is full of shit, whether Black, white, Latino, whatever. Bobby Jindal's Indian ass likely has some bullshit up his sleeve. Just because your opponents call you out doesn't make them racists--it means they want to press their own bullshit agenda over yours.

Which leads me to the greater problem in America--retardationalism. What is this? It is the ideology of retards, tools, strokes, douche bags--generally anyone with lesser intelligence or Republicans. (NOTE: that's not a dig on the Republican party--the numbers back me up. Espeically since an substantial number of people that claim they are Republicans are uneducated and live in rural areas and probably have children with their cousins or are missing teeth. Meanwhile I'm ashamed to say the leader of the party is a Black man). Retardationalism leads people to think retards are doing the right things and are being "crucified" for doing so. People that stand behind Blago or voted for Todd Stroger (and will again) are likely retardationalists. People that will elect Deborah Sims to represent them again on the Board of Commissioners "because we need strong Black leaders" are likely retardationalists. People who pray that the President will die--and soon-- and go to hell are retardationalists. People that think Obama is doing a terrible job when he hasn't even done shit yet are retardationalists. People who think Obama is doing an excellent job but he's being hated on because he's Black is a retardationalist. And anyone who thinks they are right or correct on any political issue is a retardationalist.

The tremendous flaw of democracy is that you cannot please all of the people all of the time. Thus in the great country we live in where everyone is allowed to have their own ideas (and even express them on the internet!) NO ONE CAN EVER BE RIGHT ABOUT A POLITICAL ISSUE. There is no right answer--the answer is what benefits the most people or makes the most people happy. And that has nothing to do with race. If it did, Obama wouldn't be in office because lets face it, a Black man will NEVER be able to make a majority of all people happy. Black men have enough problems pleasing other Black folk--no way we're making everyone else happy too. The real problem is the majority of Americans are retards. One of the definitions of retard (according to is "a slowing down or hindering of progress." And if that ain't a majority of America I don't know what is.

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