Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Monday, September 14, 2009

"hey ma, look at that pointy haired girl..."

I have a suggestion for the next greatest exhibition the world has ever seen. We could even debut it at the next Olympics which will be the next great World Party that Chicago will throw. Ready for this? here it goes...Let's start a Zoo filled with crazy people instead of animals.

Who wouldnt pay to see that? Take people with different calamities and have them presented just like you would a caged Tiger or an Ape. Padded rooms? Fuck padded rooms, i am talking about Plexiglass and rails, so that people can take pictures with them. We can sit around and listen to them spout off their crazy rambles and tell our children that it is ok, because they are safe behind glass. If it is funny to watch a monkey fling poop, how wouldnt it be funnier to see a crazy person do it? I personally would have about 5 locked in a room and watch as they invent stories based on their hallucinations. We could watch as they argue and swear that what they are seeing and hearing is real. This could be like swimming with the dolphins at Sea World and people could interject comments and story lines that the 'crazies' could run with. They could agree with one and see how ramped up they could make them.

"Elvis lives and is screwing Princess Diana in the ass and i know because his sister told me!"

The more random the story or act the better. If things got out of control, dart to the neck just like they do to the animals in the zoo now.

I know you think I am mean, but how is this different than taking a proud ass lion or tiger and confining it to a cage? Yes, let's restrict their right to live and be free, and instead have psychos stare and poke fun at them. Crazies provoking them by shouting the dumbest shit ever. "No honey, they love being in the safe zoo. They no longer need to find food, or mate, because they take care of all of that. They even take care of their babies, so they really dont need to see them".

We would now have a place to put all these crazy fuckers, and make a buck or two on the side. Hell, it be better if we made it free just so that people could get off their lazy unemployed asses during the day and out of the house. I need to get with a venture capitalist because this is genious!

the genius known as

Jay Z - On to the Next One

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