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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Just put it in your mouth...

So my younger cousin asks me to be a chaperone on a field trip. We were not going anywhere fancy just downtown on a scavenger hunt. I have a group of five or six that i am chaperoning. One of them being a very overweight 11 year old. We end up finished with the hunt and at a ice cream parlor. She orders a double chocolate something or other. No big deal. All of a sudden other groups of kids show up and are going to the ice cream parlor across the street. My group goes across the street and the overweight young lady orders another triple chocolate something or other. It not being my place to say anything i kept quiet and just made sure no one was doing anything out of line.

This leads into my aunt letting her grand-daughter drink soda and whatever sugary delight that is in front of her. Oh she just needs some soda she says.

Negro Please!!!

Young people need to be taught what to and what not to eat. The reason this upsets me is because these young kids were and are African-American. They have a higher chance of developing diabetes than other people.

Do not shove anything and everything they want into their mouths just because they want it. I understand, i understand. But it's my whatever and they just want a little bit. Tell that to them when you have to inject them with an insulin shot everyday. Or when they end up on the Biggest Loser because Mommy or Grandma let them eat whatever they want.

I am not trying to pretend like my kids eat the healthiest in the world. But i damn sure make sure they don't eat a bunch of shit! Grab some grapes, kiwi, bananas, oranges, strawberries, yogurt, natural juices, or water for them to munch on!

We are here to set examples for them so they do not end up on TLC as the half ton kid who can't make it to his/her prom. I am not saying they can not have cookies or ice cream or whatever else you allow them to have as a treat. But remember. Everything in moderation. Not just for blacks. I was just using that s an example (because i have a multi-cultural family mostly). But for all of our kids. Teach them young and they will lead a healthy life.


JokeyJokemaker316 said...


I thought you were gonna go all Whitney Houston on me at the end for a second.

JokeyJokemaker316 said... I can't get that damn song out of my head.

- The Handsome Right-Hander-