Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Alderman Update 2


I have noticed a sharp weight-loss in the alderman in my area. I have also noticed a sleepless look, and a paling of the skin. Phase one of my plan is complete. Phase two goes something like this

1) Shouting "Target Acquired" out loud when he goes to his office in the morning.

2) Walking by, and speaking into my sleeve, while looking in the office window.

3) Splashing marinara all around the doorstep to his office, and empty ammunition boxes in the trashcans

4) dressing up 3 buddes in head-to-toe black outfits and parking directly near the door.

5) shorting out the wiring located near the alley, allowing me to kill power to the strip mall any time I desire

6) leaving movies like "Dead Man Walking, Jacob's Ladder, Insomnia, and Psycho, in the mail. Ensuring that the onlyhands to touch said dvd's are the clerk's at Best Buy

7) Noticing that without fail, lunchtime occurs between 1224-and 142 m-f.

8) Stating for the record, that I wish my alderman no harm in any way shape or form

9) having his neighbor weed his garden with a sling-blade like device

10) getting to the office early mornings to ensure it is I, who recieves the morning paper, inserting my own "SPecial Events" section.

We will see how it goes

The Raving Luntic
Wishing my alderman no HARM in any way shape, or form

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