Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Stories, ideas, and hate filled tirades from true office events!

I. In the grand scheme of things, why do people send emails to 40 people to prove they are right about the most insignificant shit in the world. do they feel someone will stand up and clap and say, "you said it all brother...u said it all. I mean the work didnt get done, but you really proved us wrong by being right that u sent an email saying it needed to be done. "?

II. you know how bad sucking up to your boss has become? People are now doing it via email! Sending random ass thoughts and stolen ideas over email and hoping their boss will come to them and give them a fucking cookie. THERE IS NO COOKIE COMING. We just know ur a fucking moron, because now we have it in print!

III. Why is it my job to get people from another department to talk to each other? Oh and why do people assume you know all the things they want because they called a meeting? U go to the meetings, THEY CALLED, and they ask u to tell them how they should do their work. I mean...people dont even try to think anymore.

IV. When did we go to the lowest common denominator thinking at the work place? So we have to dumb everything down because people gave up on trying to be good/smart at their job. You assign a task to someone and you have write out every step they have to take including what hand to double-click the mouse with (and in some case, what double-click means). If the company distributes a memo saying to do one thing, people say, "well it wasnt clear that I HAD TO DO IT! It just says to do it!" People's collective IQ has perished so much that it is no wonder China is licking their chops. Maybe it is because....

V. HR departments are afraid of getting sued. So what! Let them sue and lose money trying to defend themselves in court for being to0 lazy or too stupid to their damn job. "Yo honor, i am not certain why i was fired. I show up and do good work. I mean, i dont finish, or even do it well, but I try! And anyways, its not like they never fucked if i messed up 20's my fault?" [Actual response!] So if u have a weak ass HR department you will be forced to work with these morons because they are too PC and afraid that the Muppet will sue the company for wrongful termination. Bring me back the 80s where people got fired for not wearing shoulder pad suits!!!

in Full monday morning mode


JokeyJokemaker316 said...

i got two invaluabel HR tools..a devastating uppercut, and a indefensible elbow-smash. I GET RESULTS!


Billy Bad-ASS
Professional Bad-Ass

iz3y! said...

Thank you you offer seminars for other HR professionals?

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

Only if they are familiar with HRIS


William "Billy" Bad-Ass
Professional Bad-Ass