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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Social Evolution is Awesome

Mexico is the new Ireland. Muslims are the new "niggers." And dammit if our government shouldn't be smaller.

There's an old saying--if you don't know your history you're doomed to repeat it. There was a point in time in this country where we didn't want European immigrants coming here to take away jobs from Americans, but we evolved (or just realized "hey they're white too...") There was a time where Black folk were the scourge of the earth, but some time around 1964 America got a conscious and evolved. Our federal government used to just set baseline laws, but once the Great Depression hit, our democracy had to evolve.

Now we're trying to raise money to finish a wall between us and Mexico (as if we were ancient China), we have Black men lambasting muslims while they run for political office, and we have tea baggers that want a laissez faire form of federal government.

It would seem we haven't learned from our past, and as a result we're likely headed for a repeat. But worst of all, it will cause divisiveness in our country. A side effect of democracy, divisiveness will allow for the ultimiate "death" of our empire. Unfortunately it is times like these we need unity. No I'm not an Obama "hope" spewer. But I recognize and sympathize with his frustration with the refusal to unify behind a single idea for the sake of our country. The divisiveness of this country's leadership trickles down to the masses--you have rallys and gatherings of groups of people who get together to simply hate on a contrasting idea. And while it's awesome we have the right to assemble, the assemblies themselves don't necessarily help fix our country's problems. Just when it seemed we'd evolved, we go right back to what we used to be.

God bless America


His majesty in waiting,

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