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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sho-Nuff Rantations

1. A note to the fellas.

Guys, there is absolutely NO reason to be thirsty. You really don't need to hit everything that moves. There are literally more women than men on the planet, and generally more available women than men (thanks to huge numbers of cats locked up or homosexual and whatnot) so it's really okay to be a little selective. If a chick has 2 or more children by 2 or more guys, she's taken herself out of the "must hit" category. Sure she can get it, but she doesn't HAVE to. And if you disagree with me, at least invest in a box of condoms. Otherwise, expect to contribute to the child support pot she's already got. You knew she was fertile when you started talking to her--she's already got at least 2 youngins!

2. Why the U.S. Economy is in shambles.

Dems and Republicans can argue all day about who caused our economic woes. Quite honestly no one in D.C. is more responsible than the folks in L.A. and N.Y. in the music industry, specifically the "urban" sector. You see once we started to commercialize hip-hop and R&B began to blur into cross-over rap music, the music execs that realized this was a brilliant idea made the mistake of giving "niggas" money.

Niggas with money ("NWM") may well be the worst thing to ever happen to this country. NWM isn't a new phenomenon--many NWM are star athletes. But it wasn't until cats started invading our brains via phat beats and lyrics about shit your average person has never heard of did the rest of us decide "I need to be up on that too!" and do whatever necessary--including going into tremendous debt--in order to do so. In the early 90s it was Guess, leather and gold (hilarious now that those were luxury items)--now it's Gucci, Prada and Hermes. Rich white folks who have been buying these things as "normal" for years are now trying to find new luxury items since China is trying to feed our fetish for these items with affordable knock offs, thus devaluing the real deal.

The phenomenon isn't just in low income areas. The commericalization of hip hop has taken it mainstream--so now middle class and upper middle class suburban folks who can't quite afford it will throw it on their credit card, or go cop that Escalade on 24s. The mentality of "just throwing it in the bag" and not checking the price tag runs rampant in this country. I've made the argument that if spending were the real fix to our economy that we should just give it to Black folks--because Black people will spend their ass off. But giving NIGGAS money--that means celebration of their ability to utterly waste their income (and subsequently owe Uncle Sam thousands in unpaid taxes) thus making it "cool" for the rest of us do the same. And while everyone is free to make their own decisions, we already know that well over 50% of America is dumb (check the stats) or are mindless sheep (right wingers). In a place where the economy depends on over 80% of it's population to simply spend money that's a dangerous mix.

3. Hate on a whole new level.

Has any president in history ever been more hated on than Obama? Jimmy Carter, both Bushes and Clinton all had to overcome some hate, but none quite like Obama. You literally have people (since he was campaigning) doing whatever they can to make the man simply look bad. From claiming he's not American to trying to dead any of his political efforts, his co-workers in Washington are literally considering proposals on the basis of "we might lose, but it's okay as long as Obama loses." Some theorize that it's race motivated. Whatever it is it's retarded. He's the POTUS! Show some respect! You think the English hate on Elizabeth like this?? HELL NO! (They do hate on the PM, but he technically serves at the pleasure of the Crown so as long as the queen is happy he's good). Only here in the greatest country on Earth can an alliance of ignorant fools determine the success or failure of the rest of the country. Hate has gone from something frowned upon, to something accepted and celebrated to an actual strategy. And we wonder why our federal government is about to default on it's debts.

The meanest, prettiest, the baddest low-down mofo around this town,

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