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Friday, September 24, 2010

Strong retort sent to my email about the DREAM Act.

Mexican citizens shouldn't have rights in America... but they do. They have a right to emergency room care, which they use for all medical needs, and cause many ER's to bankrupt and close, as is evident in places like California and the Carolinas. They have a right to free grade school education as well as the right to in state tuition or a third of tuition for colleges and universities, while American citizens who pay taxes and feel the crunch have to pay full price. This causes our grade school children to be slowed from a fluent system of learning for the sake of resources being diverted to ESL services. They don't pay taxes or go through naturalization procedure which legal immigrants are forced to do, and in turn don't learn English or American History and don't care about America in general, even continuing to fly their own flag. Affluent and/or famous people, who want to look good to the public, really irk me when they show how disconnected they are with common people in this country by these sorts of crusades, and incessantly try to ram things like this ridiculous Ponzi Scheme of illegal immigration down our throats because it doesn't effect your life directly in any way. First of all, this country should be looking out for the welfare it's own citizens then maybe help the less fortunate from other countries when we are doing ok. This country hasn't been dependant on industrial labor since the 1920's, and the children of these people aren't satisfied with picking fruit, they want everything, and they aren't in any capacity, adept at possessing it. Get ready for more racism, more injustice, more crimes, more corruption, and more poverty in our own low skilled working class, when you see Mexicans in any seat of authority in America, just like their home country, because they haven't been required to assimilate and come in such large numbers they don't have to. Mexico has insanely strict laws regarding immigration to where people who come into the country without the money to support themselves and family members, or people who try to influence their laws and political system can be imprisoned and deported. while they send us all their rejects in order to funnel billions back into their rich mostly Spanish blooded aristocracy's hands. The fact that the Mexican government is demanding anything at all is enough of an insult to me to send back all illegals and their outlaw anchor babies without a second thought. It's no great mystery as to why the richest man in the world is now a Mexican. We don't get the best of others countries anymore. We used to, but the very fabric of immigration has changed. I hear pro immigrant people preach diversity, but diversity for most Mexicans is Mexico, with most of them having a problem of even giving up their flag. It is too many of them, and they bring far more strife and division with them than any help. I support refugees from places like Cuba or Haiti, but Mexico isnt a communist regimne or dictatorship. It's a democracy just like ours and they have problems that they need to fix on their own, rather than for us to grin and eat **S** for the sake of looking good to people. I'll tell you how to fix the ecomony. My Grandmother, She is far from being rich. Her whole life she has never been in debt. She has never had a credit card and doesn't owe anyone any money. She never lived outside her means. if people did that rather than blaming Bush or Obama and using the honorable position of President as a whipping boy or object of scorn, then progress might be made, but if everyone remains a greedy and whiny **A** that only looks out for number one then everything is destined to collapse. Mexican's aren't magical little lighthearted people from The Shire. They are products of a grossly disfunctional society and bring with them all the seeds of strife that makes their world miserable, along with bed bugs, swine flu and those huge cucaracha bugs

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