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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Nicknames shouldn't just be handed out.

This past week there was an article in the Chicago Sun-Times regarding Jay Cutler's ability to understand and fully operate a Mike Martz offense. Without a doubt Jay has the most potential of any QB the Bears have had under center in our generation. Key word there being potential.

Let's break it down a bit. The following info does not include any of Martz' time spent at St. Louis. It just isn't fair. Faulk, Pace, Holt, Bruce, and Warner. 5 Hall of Famers. Enough said.

So i've decided to look at points per game followed by their standing in the entire league that season (we've evolved from 28 teams to 30 to 32 throughout his career). He was a QB coach and Offensive Coordinator everywhere else so hopefully this will show us a fair representation of his offensive production. Not going to look at individual stats either. Cut had almost 500 passing yards yesterday and the Bears had no business winning that game.

1992 Rams 19.6 (12th)
1993 Rams 13.8 (26th)
1994 Rams 17.9 (21st)
1997 Skins 20.4 15th)
1998 Skins 19.9 (17th)
2006 Lions 19.1 (21st)
2007 Lions 21.6 (16th)
2008 49er's 21.2 (22nd)

Notice a trend? Never even cracked the top ten. Hell, most years they were in the bottom half. If he was such an offensive mastermind, or evil genius, or whatever the clever moniker of the day is, shouldn't he produce?

Average points per game comes to a whopping 19.2 PPG. How many points did they score yesterday? Bears 19 - Lions 14.

Check out the top three teams of last year. Packers were 3rd with 28.8, Vikings 2nd with 29.4, and the Saints 1st with 31.9. The Bears scored 20.4 ppg last year under the guidance of Ron "scapegoat" Turner.

Averaging under 20 points a game with the defense that Lovie plays will not suffice. The Cover 2 is as penetrable as Paris Hilton. Not when the top 3 scoring teams play in our conference. I bleed blue and orange and am sad that Lovie was brought back this year but all is said and done. This is what we have for the season. However, what i can't seem to shake is the fact that we are wasting good years off of Jay's progression. Last season = a waste. This season = lame duck. Next season = will there even be a next season? If there is we waste another year of him learning the, hopefully, new system under a new coach. Let's not be so quick to judge the "franchise" QB without judging whose guidance he is under.

You can't just take the engine out of a Ferrari and place it in a Ford Focus and expect it to run as awesome. All the pieces have to fit. Without the right mechanic to make the correct adjustments and show the driver what's what, it just won't work.

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