Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Friday, May 14, 2010

This is my plea to you...

Dear ignorant people,

Hi, I am writing this blog for you. I was wondering if you had time from your wayward preaching and hypocrisy to read this simple little blog. I understand your very busy passing judgments and and chucking boulders in glass houses. Seriously, I grasp how much better you are than me despite offering not even a semblance of value to this planet, but no worries, I will keep it brief.

Open your fucking eyes! Take a look around you because I don't think you realize how fucking retarded you are. You are not better than anyone else because you dress like a reject from the REAL HOUSEWIVES, or because you might be on the next season of it. You can keep grasping on to your half truths and one sided details in hopes that maybe you will be right and that your flimsy world wont collapse in itself under the weight of your delusions. Wake the hell up and realize, that in the real world accountability stretches further than words used to describe Wall Street and corrupt CEOs. Just because they are garbage and you know people who are garbage, doesnt give you a pass to be a piece of shit.

Wake up! Open your eyes or you will miss all that heavenly glory. Accept responsibility for yourself and a sense of shame will wash over you. Don't worry, it will quickly be replaced by the sudden urge to change, which will lead to a warm sensation of acceptance. Don't be afraid to embrace your fuck ups, just quit apologizing for them then turning around do it again. I implore you because if I can help one or two of you, you can help others. I am aware this will lead to the end of the Jersey Shore and Flavor of Love, but this is something I am willing to accept.


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