Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I write to you, dear friends, from Costa Rica. I can’t help it, I really like it here and have taken another December trip out of the Chicago cold. I am thinking of the Dominican Republic next year, but this newsletter isn’t about next year. This is a recap of the year… 2 0 0 9 (imagine reverb here).

I started the year off with a bang. I was taking Aikido classes at Daley College, and was doing pretty well if I do say so myself. Then, came the day when we were learning how not to hit our heads while falling. I was unsure if I was doing it correctly, but upon landing on my head all doubt was removed. The pain was intense, but I did not get a diagnosis until I went to my doctor…after a minor car accident a few days later. The small concussion from the fall coupled with the tension headache from the accident caused my brain to swell. With such an auspicious beginning, I knew 2009 would be full of pleasant little surprises.

February brought a great opportunity for me. I got my little piece of the historical pie when I worked the election at the Melrose Park site. It was a very long day, and there was a lot of fuss with election lawyers, voters who couldn’t prove they registered, equipment breaking down, and pregnant women coming in to vote while in labor! However, at the end of the day when votes were tallied, I was proud to have any part in the process.

The spring time was sprinkled with goodies including my birthday celebration, Flight of the Conchords with Gabriel, This American Life at the Chicago Theatre with Erik, a road trip to Michigan with my book club Spanglish, and the possibility of a new house in Evergreen Park.

Things seemed to be going well, but turned very serious with the unexpected death of my uncle, Gero. He was a great person who did not deserve any of the pain he endured in life, and his death in midsummer really shook up the family. I have never had death so close before, and would like to thank everyone for their support and concern during that difficult time. As strange as it was then, and now feels in writing it out, one has to continue with life. Once we established my mother was stable, that is what we did.

I took some time off of work, and took a road trip with Sam to Niagara Falls. It is a beautiful drive, and there’s lots of stuff those crazy Canadians set up over there so I recommend the location for a mid-budget trip. Soon after coming back and bailing on the closing for my house, I decided I needed an apartment in the city. I acted within my rights on the closing and attorneys, etc., and knew that the commitment of a house was not what I wanted or needed. I found a lovely Bangladeshi couple living in Hyde Park looking for someone to take over their lease in the fall. Long story short, I’m in that apartment now and invite everyone to come over and envy my view of the lake.

This year I could wait no longer…I applied to the linguistics graduate program at Northeastern University. I started off slowly with one class, but am happy to report I got an A and will take 2 classes next semester! I’ve already created linguistic profiles on all of you, so just see me to discuss them (kidding!). I’d like to give a shout-out to my informant who supplied most of the content for my 30 page paper on Nuyoricans.

The end of the year was also full of fantastic indulgences. I attended my first pampering sort of event at the Drake Hotel which included martinis, manicures, massages, and make-up. I was also following the Bears’ season and was rewarded for my unwavering support with a big screen television. You are welcome to envy that along with my lake view when you come over. Also, meeting Josefina Lopez at CSU’s Book Fair was truly inspirational. If it wasn’t fabulous enough to be in Costa Rica for a week, I got to see the Broadway production of Cats in a big gymnasium there with good friends. Gracias, Amy!

When I first sat down to write this, I was afraid content level would be low but it seems I did lots more than I thought. Allow me to highlight some points of interest:

* Letters to Larry Fitzgerald, Jr. of the Arizona Cardinals=4, letters answered=0

*Romantic successes/dating mishaps will remain undisclosed, but rest assured they were fun!

*I watched a total of 80 movies (thank you, Netflix)

*I read 17 books, thanks in part to the book club and living close to Borders now

*I fell at work during the summer and couldn’t wear pants for a week

*I attended my first Chicago Bulls game in March

*I became a member of The Art Institute

*I had a really good time New Year’s Eve

New things I tried:

Colonic Hydro Cleansing: 30 gallons of water pumped through your colon :/

Falafels: I shared one with Amy at a middle eastern restaurant in San Jose and it was delicioso!

Henna Tattoo: I really like the way it turned out

Pumpkin Carving: I’m pretty good

Fat Burger Burgers: I’m a member of the Fat Club & get double points on Tuesdays

Making Quiches: I’m not so good

Ethiopian Food: who knew?!

This year was really good for me. The move to the apartment gave me the time and space I needed to be creative and most importantly to take a good look at myself. It turns out, I like myself and what I’m doing. I do not know what 2010 will hold for me, but I know it will be fun. Please see attached photos.

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