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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tiger Tiger Woods y'all

Once again a lesson in pimpology--pussy makes money fools! Stop tryin to get your lil dicks wet! Let us count the ways in which Tiger's dumb ass fucked up.

1) turnin a nanny to a housewife. If you can't turn hoes to housewives what makes a nigga think a bitch that cleans shit for a living is a good choice? Okay this bitch already got the skills to be a housewife--she's been cleanin for a living. But damn...

2) fuckin wit second rate bitches whilst being a first rate balla type nigga. Step yo game up Tiger!

3) lovin' them hoes. Look niggas, unless you plan on leavin your wife for the side bitch, why are you textin and callin the side bitch? Matter of fact, why you married? PUSSY MAKES MONEY! Marriage TAKES money! So unless you plan on turnin your wife out...

This is why Pimpalicious don't even have a phone. Bitches are the most jealous creatures on earth--the bottom bitch don't even want Pimpalicious LOOKIN at another bitch. But Pimpalicious keeps her in line--cause she knows Pimpalicious keeps a stable of hoes and her ass can get replaced with the quickness. But I digress...

Niggas need to back up and think to themselves WWPD? As in What Would Pimpalicious Do? So here I offer what Pimpalicious would have done if he were in Tiger's shoes.

First off, every pimp and ho I know would be in VIP at that club in Vegas.

No contact with them bitches after 1) they refuse to work that ass for cash or 2) Pimpalicious is slippin and actually fux a bitch. Unless that bitch is bringin a friend or she's bringin a friend willin to slang ass Pimpalicious has no words. Better catch a trick and step off.

Pimpalicious only hollas at the finest of bitches. No waitresses and club hoes. No help. No way Pimpalicious takes the nanny recommended by some rich white dude--too pretentious. If that bitch ain't a down ass bitch then it's a waste of time.

So now we know Tiger ain't a pimp. He has finally earned his Black card though (and I don't mean American Express). The rich white folks gave Tiger one of their immigrant slave girls to marry and he ran and tricked off with three other white women. If that ain't a Black man's story I don't know what is.

Deliciously pimpin and pimpin deliciously bitches

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