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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Friday, December 18, 2009

I posted up Dickey Simpkins


It's me, The Handsome RightHander. I saw Dickey Simpkins the other day. I bought a Streetwise from him. He then tried to sell me some pornos and socks. I guess if I watch porno, i would not want my feet to get cold. I tried to walk away, but he kept trying to clean my windows with old streetwise newspapers. I got so mad, I got out of the car, grabbed a basketball out of the trunk, and posted him up. Took the rock to the hole strong, knocked him on his ass, and then threw the ball at his face. Sad thing is, his defense was better than LUOL DENG. So I said: "Hey DICKEY, why not get back in the league? Is it because of your fucked up name?" He said "My real name is LaBurra Dixon Simpkins." I said: "Fuck it Dickey, you could still start ahead of Tyrus Thomas." I threw some change is his Dunkin Doughnuts cup, and sped off feeling better about myself.

The Handsome RightHander

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