Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Yeah, i love my city like no other. I have been other places and seen many podunk towns, but mine is still my favorite. No disrespect Brooklyn or SF , but to me, you can't top the Chi! I am from here and you are from there....RESPECT! This place is not where I merely live or work but it is in my blood. It is where my parents American Dream came true, and where mine continues to prosper. Now for you other misinformed people, SHUT UP! When I want your opinion I will fucking shoot myself because it would have more meaning and logic than anything you might have to offer me.

Harsh...yeah a little, but I reps the Southside. Yeah the proud blue collar Southside. Oh, I know you think you know us because you saw the video of the kid getting beaten to death. No we are not animals and we dont pratol the streets for honor students to graphically beat on Cell cams. No you morons, the whole of the city is not like that. Tragedy can strike anywhere, just ask Boulder, CO, or Virginia Tech. Hell go to your closest suburb and read about the laters pedophile on the loose. Shit, Drug Cartels are setting up in the suburbs now due to ease they can operate in villages with lax police support.

There is a reason you came here from the suburbs, trailer parks, and one road towns. We are art. We are culture. We are a place where you can actually meet different people and learn something a fucking book can't teach you. We are opportunity. You come here for our clubs, our people, our scenic views. You come here for a chance to better ur small town life, which clearly didn't appeal to you. If you came, so did the rats, but that is real life. Real experiences, real living. Yes, you have to watch your kids a little more closely, and yes you have to deal with evil a little more often, but such a small price to pay. You wanted to perform on the big stage well here you DANCE or shut up and get out.

As a product of this "bullshit, crooked politcs, dirty, dangerous" city, I am tired of hearing about ur shit. You come here and complain about what is wrong, what is dirty, what is needed. You still come here though and love our jobs, our people, our city, but you have to throw in your complaints like it actually is going to help or do something about what is bugging you. Well guess what, and this is a lesson of survival, suck it up and do something about it. Go ahead and get up off ur lazy ass and do something about it.

Tired of the cops not coming when you call to report a crime? The next outreach meeting, SHOW UP! Or here is a crazy idea, when you see a crime and they ask you what you saw, go ahead and tell them what happened. Hell, just keep calling, and calling and calling! Only then will the men and women who risk their asses getting shot at, take u seriously enough to come and risk it again. Want to know why the police stop coming? Becaise if they arrest someone, and they ask for witnesses, people say "we ain't no snitches". Another reason is because when the cop does chase the fucking culprit 10 blocks and knocks his punk ass to the ground after he mugged someone, they guy claims Police Brutality and a whole community comes out and starts shouting Racism. You know when your kids suck, so do something about that and quit looking for others to do your damn job.

Want to know why the REVENUE van comes steady and often? Because the city has thousands of workers, who keep it running, clean, and a place you brag to your friends about when they call you all starry eyed. The city continues to clean itself up but it doesnt matter without the help of the residents. Do you think all the boulevards and parks popped up out of nowhere? Do you think they went shit for no reason too? That is why we need to do whatever it takes to improve ourselves, not hate on every move to do exactly that.

Got a problem with our weather, get a coat or move!
Got a problem with our CROOKED for a job or MOVE! (don't go to another major city though, you will find the same. See Guilliani, R. for instance)
Got a problem with paying to park, then walk or use the CTA which your small town cant even imagine having.

BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT! Quit bitching, because us city folk don't want to hear it. We have our own real problems like finding work in a down economy and you out of towners streaming in here looking for opportunities. Quit complaining, because I assure you, a quick trip back to where the fuck you all come from will remind you why you are here. QUIT TALKING SHIT, because in this city, we dont take too kindly to it.

As for the international community who didn't see us fit to hold the Olympics this time...I AM SORRY! I am sorry that GEORGE BUSH sucks dick. I am sorry that for the last 8 years this COUNTRY acted like a fuck frat boy talking out of turn and doing shit behind the safety of the stars and stripes. I am happy you finally recognized that South America should be considered part of the rest of the world, even if it saddens me that we weren't allowed to host a grand party. Trust me, i know you have no issues with us personally, and that you are still stinging from being disrespected by our country for the last 8 years. I get it, hell I would be pissed too, but we need to heal. My boy from CHICAGO is a cool cat. Talk to him, you will feel better about trusting us again. When you're ready, let us know and we will have a slice of deep dish and a cold beer waiting for you. We will be right here, and we are ready to play with you guys again, and share the toys.

Chicago, IL

Blues Brothers - Sweet Home Chicago


Sho-Nuff said...

Man NO ONE likes the weather here--even Chicagoans.

And "sit down and shut the fuck up" isn't acceptable. "This is Chicago, deal with it" isn't acceptable. It is not wrong for people to want to effect change in their city. It is wrong for the elected officials of their city to take advantage of them. NO ONE wants to pay 10.25% sales tax, not even the most loyal, blue collar, born and raised Chicagoans. We should not be known as Crook County. Read some national publications or watch national news--thanks to the people running our town Chicago is now a punch line. I personally don't like to "suck it up" any more than I accept my White Sox missing the playoffs. I call cops. I snitch on mutherfuckers that may endanger my safety. I go to CAPS meetings. I badger my alder-woman. Doesn't matter because I'm one person--and everyone else says "sit down and quit complaining. This is Chicago--deal with it." Not sure about anyone else but taking it in the ass (or the wallet) is not fun for me and it shouldn't be acceptable for the anyone else.

Sho-Nuff said...

Furthermore, if people truly loved this place, none of the things I complain about would be acceptable (except the weather--can't do shit about that). Does one love their child less because they express disappointment? Is one not a fan if they express frustration and disgust with their team? Are we not patriots if we are unhappy with the direction our elected officials are taking the country? Perhaps my expectations are too high. I can put up with paying a premium so long as there are results. Our parks are a great example. But why nickel and dime the citizens (tax paying ones at that) when it takes a year to fix a sink hole? A week? Sure. Two weeks. Even a month. But a YEAR? Not for the prices I pay. And it shouldn't be acceptable to anyone else either.