Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

We are the New World Asthetes

Dear readers,

You bore me. A great deal of you bore me, and a few of you really bore the fuck out of me. I was at home mulling over how I could make this blog better, when a chance conversation between my daughter and niece happened. My niece was telling my daughter about some "Popular girls," in her class. My daughter asked what I would have asked. "What makes them popular?" My niece says "I don't know, but people call them the popular girls." My daughter, who is my pride and joy says: "Why don't you call yourself popular, so you can be with the ""In" crowd." My niece says this is impossible, as others would not consider her popular. My daughter says "Do whatever you want, but those girls and yourself are all dumb."

This conversation thrilled me, as my daughter at the age of 7 had concrete opinions as to the fleeting nature of popularity, and how it is justly/unjustly earned. She understood the complex nature of public perception, and how it is ultimately possible that the masses are asses. In her honor, I have decided to call my very best friends in the world, and form a club of people who will debate/argue/learn/teach/listen/praise people and ideas for you. I will call this club the New World Asthetes, or NWA for short. on the roster are:

Jokey Jokemaker316 - Logic (What is valid, what's invalid, what can be proven)

Rapahel De La Ghetto - Asthetics (Beauty, art, and taste)

The Raving Lunatic - Ethics (Which actions are right, and which actions are good)

The Handsome Righthander - Epistemology(What we know, and HOW we know it

The Chooch Punisher - Metaphysics (What role we play in the grand scheme of thing)

Bella Baggins - Teleology (The study of design, overall purpose, and end).

NOTE: If I don't take it easy on my daughter, do not expect me to take it easy on you. I feel that she is right for the challenge of fielding your ideas, questions, and comments. I once asked her why she thought Giraffes had long necks. She did not give me ny kiddy bullshit answers, she asnwered: "So they can reach the tender leaves they like to eat." I could have said something about grass or bushes or something, but she delivered her answer with a sort of blunt finality that discouraged further debate.

So we, the NWA, are here to justly rule over you. Let the reign last for a thousand years. Feel free to send ideas, questions, and concerns to the NWA. Please address your questions to a specific person, or to the general council.



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