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Monday, August 3, 2009

I hate Obama

Dear friends,

I was getting on the expressway this morning, and I saw a fat homeless man. It angered me, and after i chased and easily caught him, I frogstomped his ass. I said "Healthcare ain't free yet you fat fuck!" I forced him to squeal like a pig, and kept punching him in the neck so it would hurt to swallow food for the next few days. I probably saved his fat life. Afterwards, I began to calm down, and it dawned on me. I should have killed him. This leads me to my topic for today. I stronly urge you to buy a Ford Taurus. I feel that in these crazy times, the only answer is to buy a Ford Taurus. The one thing you cannot do, is buy a GM car.

You see, the government had budgeted 1 Billion dollars to finance this cash for clunkers program, where one would get 4500 dollars for their old car, if they bought a new GM car. GM would then also match the 4500, and give you 9000 dollars off of a car. A PT cruiser recently sold for 9000 dollars. Can someone tell me how this will help GM get back into the black? selling a 18000 car for half? This is fiscal irresponsibility!

Not only that, but the money for the program that was supposed to last until November, has run out. I hope that the GM stock goes up 50 fucking dollars tomorrow, because for the rest of the year, all it will do is go down. I cannot wait until we soon find that it costs about 11 K to make a PT Cruiser. Way to fuck this up too Obama! I am just glad that I do not have a minority ownership stake in GM as respionsible taxpayers........awww FUCK!

Towith, I believe that you should buy a Ford Taurus. Ford is the only company that did NOT take the bailout money. Ford said:"Our problem, our solution OBAMA!" and then stomped off all indignant and shit. So OBAMA has put crazy money into a program to stimulate the GM economy, and basically doomed Ford to be out of business within a few years. How would you feel if you had a small neighborhood bank, and the Government said "We are buying CHASE bank and are gonna put one on every corner next to the McDonalds and Walgreens." You would be mad because the government would be creating a monopoly. FORD needs to survive because the alternative is a government run monopoly. The same government that bankrupted a whorehouse in Vegas that was siezed due to non-payment of taxes. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU SCREW UP RUNNING A WHOREHOUSE? IN VEGAS? WITH TONS OF MONEY AND LONELY GUYS HAGING AROUND? AWAY FROM THEIR WIVES/GIRLFRIENDS/KIDS/RESPONSIBILITIES? One thing is for sure though, Obama needs to take time to have a beer 2 guys nobody gives a shit about.

Jokey Jokemaker

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