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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Monday, July 27, 2009

I should, but i just can't

It has been a while again since i have posted. Of course, it got me thinking about what has been issue with humanity since the first Caveman fucked up....the BLAME GAME. THE EXCUSE GAME...THE HATE GAME!

To a degree we all do it. It is human nature to try to avoid that embarrassing moment and blame. No one likes feeling red faced or ridiculed so we lay it somewhere else.

"How is it my fault that i hit that car. It didnt have to brake that hard....he had plenty of room. He didnt have to drive so slow either".

Some shit is understandable, but we have created a new art form. We blame away damn near anything no matter how incredible.
"I am fat because McDonald's uses fatty ass oil."
"I have lung cancer because i was not properly warned by the Tobacco industry."
"How you gonna tell me birth control didnt is 85% effective!!!"

What to do, you ask? Why do i bring it up? Well i am tired of it. I am not saying we become angels or perfect humans, but every once in a while, take one for the team. I am not perfect...hell I am one of the best excuse makers in the industry "Damn, i need to work out, but my work schedule is in flux, and then i have to get home, and then there is the sun...." What i am saying is we need to "look at the man in the mirror, and ask him to change his ways". Like every once in a while, just say.."I dont work out because it is boring and i hate it, and it is much easier to bitch about it!"

It has become too easy to point the finger away from you, and sometimes even funnier, but i would like to think that he next evolution of human would be more positive and enlightened. For now i will settle on people acting like good teammates. Picking each other up and asking what they can do better to improve the team, rather than just point out what people do wrong. A team should learn what roles need to be filled and not what would possibly make them look good. One step we could all take is to just simply, save the excuse and just do what we were supposed to do! Act like every once in a while we have a little pride in ourselves, and not try to mask that insecurity or deficiency by laying it off on another person.

Thank you...i know it has been a while since i wrote on the blog, but i was too busy with work.
[i had shit to write and not creative enough to come up with something]



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