Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Friday, July 17, 2009

been a long time...shouldnt left you....

It has been some time and i will tell you, i was not doing something hip like climbing moutains or walking the desert in search of my higher calling. No, i have been laying back and letting the world come to me in whatever form it would like. I have gone out and listened to some beats. I have perfected my bags ability...FOR NOW. I have been helping raise a great kid who i am sure is as smart as me, or smarter, right now. Through it all i have made the following observations:

  • Vicente Fernandez + outdoor party + sizable speakers = great environment! Stories are told, memories are recalled, and the best part....NO ONE CALLS THE COPS! If i had been blaring Lil Weezy or the latest of my house mixes I would have had the cops all up in my yard eating my food and telling me to keep it down. VF...not a soul said shit. We even spotted people chillin in their yards. Sorry...but i just didnt know.

  • Studio 63 aka THE STUDIO aka EL STUDIO....i am sorry but i dont have enough words to describe this place. It is a place filled with people looking to have a good time at all costs. It is like the waiting room to hell where u expect anything can and will pop off. I must sound like a prude, but still there has to be limits. U cant be 45 and clubbing it in a place that has a lax 21 and over policy. This a place where boobs get grabbed and the convo is not even stuttered. People on the dance floor are practicing for an orgy scene in a low rent porno, and where brave souls can climb a stage and really show off what their momma's gave them. Guys have the subtlety of 8 sprays of CoolWater cologne. There is not time to beat around the bush when 8 other hungry hyenas are looking at the fat chick your beer googles have transformed into acceptable. I know ur saying it sounds like a blast, until u realize it isn't and that u have the same feeling u dowhen u see a proud lion caged and growling for the amusement of the masses. Fuck all that...that shit was hilarious...i recommend u go at least once, around 2am, so u can see the desperate attempts of guys and girls looking to get laid!

  • family fueds are the lamest things u can get caught up in. Why does family fight? It ranges from serious shit like money or adultery to perceived slights. It is a tsunami that engulfs all that have the misfortune of being anywhere near them. the worst part is that at the end of day everyone is still family. I hate the gestures and appearances meant to send messages. I also hate the grand statements meant to convey power. I would much rather just bang my head against a rock than try to figure this out. Again, at the end of the day, family is family...the closer the stronger. There should be more tolerance, more love, more patience..not less because they are family. Shit, that is what family is for, otherwise what is the point. So someone please tell this to the Jackson's.

  • Summer is a state of mind in Chicago. They tell me it is summer, but when i look at the weather, i see a perfect 60+ degrees, which would be cool in fall or spring...but summer? Wild times. I have observed that people are taking advantage. There may not be as many burning themselves on the beaches, but check any festival, bar, or outdoor event. People can now go out and come back looking like a lobster.
  • What happened to all those stressed out teachers? U know who i am talking about. The ones complaining because they were so busy and stressed teaching from 7:30-2:30. Oh wait, they are at the beach everyday. Some shop all day or call people who work and ask them what they are doing. Basically, I dont want to hear them bitch anymore. U get the whole summer off, and every holiday. Suck it up next year.
  • I hate twitter and people who twitter. There is only so much i want to know about u, and if you think people want to know ur every waking move, then ur a self-indulgent bitch! Hold on, i have to update my facebook status to tell people to check this blog.


Norma Jean Bell - I'm the Baddest Bitch

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