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Friday, May 1, 2009

Raw Emotion

Right now i am going to defend my boy Joakim Noah. Yeah i said it, i have the clown's back and there is shit you all can do about it. Do i recognize he is a clown...MOS DEF! Do i care..not a bit! People are riding this young kat because he gets emotional and makes the Joakim Noah know with the gap tooth and the floppy hair. Still I got his back and I will tell you why...He plays his fucking heart out. This man has marginal talent outside of being 7 feet tall. The Lord saw it fit to make him so ugly, that some women have actually proclaimed 'he kinda cute'. Yet people hate on him, and i think it is wrong. So wrong given that Paul Pierce has the same schtick and it looks absolutely ridiculous. It looks forced.

[Pierce spots up for a three..KA-BOOM...Boston up 99-91 3 min left to play]
Cue Pierce going into full, we just won the Championship yell and facial expression. He clutches his fist, looks to the sky and looks like a retard having an orgasm. Dude, u just hit a three to give ur team the lead with 3 min left. You're playing the Bulls for God's sake, not the Cavaliers. Ray Allen the class act that he is, has been systematically carving us up like a serial killer trained in NAVY S.E.A.L. tactics, yet he remains focused...calm. Yet , PP, ur going nuts... jumping into the waiting arms of Keving Garnett who is mean mugging the Bulls Bench and shouting. Yeah, real classy assholes...wait. You're in Chicago, not Boston. Whitey is not here to be scared of you fools. Oh know this, in this fucking city, we are not afraid of preening and mean mugging. We had Jordan, a man who would destroy ur will to compete with a look. Not a mean mug from the bench. What happened next took 3 OTs, but the Bulls won because they actually, somehow held on and held their own.

For last night alone you forgive Noah and begin to love him. He is a 7-footer with no real athletic ability, who stole a pass, streaked down court past that awkward bitch Paul Pierce and gathered the strength to dunk the ball from at least 7 feet from the rim. If you know Noah's athletic ability, you know this is not within his limits, yet there he was, flushing the ball and giving us his wildly hated roar. Pierce, had no roar. No yell. All he had was his stupid expression of, "holy shit, maybe i should have concentrated more on being less whack in this series and less on trying to outdo KG for biggest jackass.".

So you go ahead Noah, you keep flashing that gap-toothed smile and keep acting like u still play at U of F. You have no idea how to act, so go with what feels right. PP, u keep acting like a moron...completely ignore Ray Allen. What drives me insane is that PP and KG are now a cartoon character of themselves. They believed the Addidas ads and the hype of how they are emotional players. Fine, be emotional, just dont force it. Your a champion, playing the CHICAGO BULLS!!! You think they try this shit if MJ was on the floor? How many points would he put on them, while in the process embarrassing them? Someone ask Stark, Greg Anthony, and Mason what it was like when u pulled on Superman's Cape! (btw...fuck u Shaq and Dwight Howard..the real super man won multiple championships and came through in big moments. No one worried about his foul shooting, just that he was about to rip hearts out!)

In closing...Noah is a clown, but he is OUR CLOWN, and he is playing his heart out and we love it. As for Boston....Fuck you!

Repping the Southside of CHICAGO, not southy boston...

ps. all of you people who heart Boston as a city...put down the beer and come see a real city...

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