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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Monday, May 25, 2009

i have nothing...

ok i actually have absolutely nothing to write about...yet this might be a long blog :) I mean aren't the best things about nothing? phone conversations, real life convos, Tv shows (Seinfeld, my fave :) , movies, hey life as a whole really...all about nothing!

you talk to someone 30 min you get asked... "what were you talking about?" and you say "oh nothing really"

you read a book you get asked "what did you read? " and you say "oh some book it was dumb! NOTHING good really"

the best sitcom ever (at least i think! :) - SEINFELD became famous for what? bc it was a show about "nothing" yet it was always about something! kinda like life :)

most movies are a waste of 2 hours for me :/ i have to be in the mood and the movie has to be either super entertaining or super insightful ...and as for life? for the time being- mine is pointless :/ :p :)

I am in the process of searching for my life meaning it might be a while ;) so as i said earlier i have nothing :P

RANDOM THOUGHT: I just saw intervention and feel soo good! back to back episodes and 2 people attributed their drug use to loss of a loved one (excuses! excuses! )....

as a survivor I TOTALLY understand them bc - i lost my boyfriend whom i was SOOO in love with and abused alcohol for some time- i then snapped out of it and found consolation in running and improv and comedy classes :)

i can tell you that when someone you love so deeply dies your life will never EVER be the same's so easy to fall into addiction BUT the best thing you can do is return to your life to a "fully lived " state that is what they would want and what you should do ....

this is soo much easier said than done!! :/ to this day i still have issues im working on!!

so anywho tangent- the grieving can be it's own blog :) ACTUALLY it needs to be its OWN blog :)

BUT anywho im rambling and into this Intervention episode ...SORRY!!!

Bodhisattva needs to watch so she ponders and becomes wiser :)

have a great night and if you read this crap - THANK YOU!!! that's very flattering! ill put up something meaningful soon ;) ttyl;)


iz3y! said...

nothing is always about something! As for intervention..isnt our society just feeding off the misery of others. I mean all these shows showcasing it or glorifying it. Who cares about kim Kardashian or if someone has an alcohol problem? WE DO! because it is an escape from our world and nice barometer to show us we arent so bad off. Off to see the WIRE!

bodhisattva said...

soo true...i always feel like a loser then after an episode or 2 of intervention i think "oh look, im not that bad- not bad at all :) "

my fave show was about nothing but something funny always happened (Seinfeld :)

what channel is the WIRE on? is that an HBO series?