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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rants Vol II

I. So are all rappers going to use electronic filters now? I mean, do they think it is new? This is kind of like when the hip hop community people made fun of Techno, then Timbaland went and heard a beat in a club one time and now people think he is a pioneer. Hey, Kanye, Tpain, and lil weezy the fireman...if u cant sing or rap...shut the fuck up and let mos def get back on the trax. I am sure T.I. would be more than happy to take ur spot. If i wanted to hear a speak n spell rap i would be furiously typing on one right now and collecting millions as i did!

II. Why did the WIRE get cancelled? Why is the Shield the next one out the door? Was it too real? Does the American Public hate great acting and great scripts? I was forced to watch the Sopranos for 7 seasons and that wasn't remotely true or half as entertaining as people made it out to be. It was as bloated as James Gandolfini with stereotypes and cliches. Now don't get me started on PARIS HILTON AND MY SEARCH FOR 15 MINUTES OF MORE FAME. Bring back the shows that actually feature acting, and a plot, and glimpses of genius. Marlo, Omar, Stringer, Vic, Lem, and AVON...RIP. Dexter, Californication, Entourage, Sons of Anarchy, and Rescue me...keep ur head on a swivel.

III. Barack Obama, I salute you. Having a leader u can be proud of is a refreshing idea. Also, anyone who says they listened to his speech and wasn't proud to be an American is full of shit. I am being dead serious about that. U could be a Tax cutting Republican or a bleeding heart liberal Democrat and still see the wisdom, genius, and pride in his statements. Plus, he reps the SOUTHSIDE...BITCHES!!!

IV. Why don't radio stations play Classics? not Classical music, but like old school beats. People still love them, and I bet would listen just to see if they would catch a song that will automatically transport them back to their younger fun days. Is this really that hard to understand? Is it better to like the songs on the radio or hear LOVE LOCKDOWN one more time?

V. I have no issue with Love Lockdown, but it really isnt that great a song. 'Jesus Walks'...stunning. 'Get 'em High'..fantastic. 'Workout Plan'...ass shaking quality. 'Love Lockdown', has its quality, but if u really dig into it, the Speak n SPell sound says very 'stalker on the phone trying to hide his voice as he is hiding in the bushes watching u with binoculars' -esque. And you can't dance to it...u just can't! I tried, and i ended up doing some form of the Harlem Shuffle mixed with Elaine's dance from Seinfeld. I almost pulled a muscle...

VI. Now that the election is over and the ads have died down, will people even care as much as they did a week ago? Why do we need TV to stir us up? Why, cause we dont really care. Honestly, people live their lives and are very grateful for what they got. This is a great country, but when we see on TV that the terrorists are coming, or that we are going to pay higher taxes we get all excitable. WE jump up, rock the pins featuring the cool slogans. We all act like we got Poli Sci Degrees (which are totally useless to begin with) and huff and puff about how the country should be really run. Then right after, shit dies down and we go back to our lives, call up the neighbor we called a 'facist right wing psycho' and invite them over for coffee. Why is that...well that leads me to...

VII. ...Are we ready to admit we are all brainwashed? Not talking about just TV or radio, but the internet as well. The bigger the Ad the more it has to be right. The more they play the ominous music, or the catchy tune, the better it has a chance to stick. If i asked you right now to hum, the Empire Carpet number, i bet all of us in Chicago would know it. YES WE CAN! IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE.
I am not saying we should stop watching TV, just please stop acting like experts because we saw it on TV, Internet or heard it on the radio. If we have no intention of truly examining a point from both sides, then shut the fuck up and enjoy ur life. It is way too short to spend it acting like you work for MSNBC at the local Starbucks.

VIII. Remember all those movies u loved in the 80s? Karate Kid, The Last Dragon (Featuring the two coolest characters ever: Bruce Leroy/Shonuff), Weird Science, and Gremlins, just to name a few. What happened to that child like suspense of disbelief when we go to the movie theaters? Imagine me watching a flick today about the GLO, or a scrawny kid taking on a bunch of punks dressed as Skeletons. I think we have become too cynical to just enjoy the shows.

Then again, maybe we just stepped up our standards!

IX. Men and women have been battling since day one. There have been wars waged, Art created, and books written documenting, detailing, encouraging and advising us through the whole affair. This even after we figured out that our thingy goes into your whatchamacallit. Seriously, why is there a problem? Dont we both want the same thing? Thingy + whatchamacallit = good times. GAmes + fighting = bad times. This shit is not that hard. Damn it I did it again...thought logically. Now a woman is going to tell me about feelings and soulfullness... :D joking...dont get ur panties in a bunch!

X. I am watching mad TV late night, shut up all of you saying what else is new, and I was truly wondering how was I not getting infinitely smarter? I mean look at it this way...I just picked up crazy knowledge. I learned how to move wet off the step and what mistakes to avoid so I don't caught. How does this not improve my intellect? I also know the Miracle Blade never goes dull, in the 50s married couples slept in separate beds, white guys could be racist as long as they were funny and were named Carol, and if you lose all integrity they will give u a show on MTV or VH1 guaranteed. Dude, do not play Trivial Pursuit with will catch an ass whipping and i know how not to get caught by the cops!

-Daft Punk (yes, they used an electronic filter and they had the song b4 Kanye got a hold of it)

- theKING

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