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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Omar's TOP ten moments/lines

1. Birth of his daughter - we got a call whilst camping. I hear he immediately passed out, then woke, and passed out again.

2. "Chara chara Yubera Yubera" - he actually got us yelling this out loud whilst camping. We camped a lot and there is nothing wrong or gay about that.

3. THE ELBOW SMASH DANCE - we were at Betty's Blue Star and Omar walks in half -buzzed/ Half-Crazed dressed in Black and ready to rock. So there is a beat on and he goes nuts and starts announcing, " I am going to dance like this" [proceeds to dance] "then go BAM!!!" [proceeds to mimic his elbow quickly risingup and smashing someone in the face] "and that guys is going to be all like...'MY NOSE MY NOSE!"

Omar did this to every song, all night. Just over and over doing his new dance. I hear it caught on in Germany...Schwartz...can you confirm?

4. "THAT's MY FANTASY TIGHT END!" oh yeah, he yells this out right after Greg Olsen makes a catch and we all just fall out. I mean rolling, Def Comdey Jam laughter style. It is hard to make fun of Omar because he is like a machine gun with words and has psychopath's sense of remorse. Here, he just fell on his sword...or did he swallow one?...GAY ASS!!!

5. The SEE THRU Swim Trunks - if there was a day that tested our friendship more, i dont recall. we all gathered at my parent's house since they were in Cancun and they had a pool. guys and the respective women, are having a good time when we turn on the pool lights and low and behold, Omar's NEOn green trunks have become see thru. People fled that pool faster than the scene in Caddyshack. The mere memory causes me to shake.

6. "PRRRRREEeeeeeEEEECARIOUS!" - you will here this come out of nowhere from Omar. I mean it will just hit u like a ton of bricks and punctuate whatever is going on. Major decision u have to make on the spot...PRECARIOUS!!! Should i eat a slice of sausage or pepperoni pizza...PREEECARIOUS!!!! you will instantly feel the spotlight on you.

7. OMAR drinks Tequila - EVERY TIME...i mean EVERYTIME, he drinks tequila he clutches his chest like Fred Sanford and says "ROUGH!!!" I swear we think he is having a heart attack every time.

8. " mother thinks u suck too!" - simple and classic Omar. your locking horns with this man and you run out of material. So you go simple...YO MOMMA! He comes back with 'my mother thinks u suck too". a deer in headlights. I know, as your reading this, your saying, you would have come back with something super smooth...but u have no idea, cause after this the machine gun starts up again.

9. Omar fixes his car with a pair of pliers - so Omar has been driving this Nissan Sentra for fits him like a Modern Fit shirt fits Johnner. One day it breaks down, and the next it is running fine. We ask O, what happened, and he is like, "I just fixed it and all I had was as pair of pliers.!" We were like...right...this man cant hang a picture, but he can tackle Japanese engineering with a pair of pliers. So we ask his dad...this man truly fell out. FELL OUT LAUGHING...Mij and I, just walked was painful to watch...I can still hear him laughing.

10. "I got two words for you..NI-CE!" this is all about delivery with this guy. Your walking along, and say.."damn, 2 cheeseburgers for 1" OMAR: "I got two words for you...NI-CE!"
Instantly, your the Warren Buffet of the fast food world! try it...let someone say something positive and break this out all over them.

So there you go, the top ten moments/lines of my good friend, Jokey, the handsome righthander, sir lucious leftfoot, Fomar, actor, comedian, renaissance painter...Omar.

come back for another installment featuring another of the crew.



JokeyJokemaker316 said...

Finally! A decent Blog!

The Masses

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

Thats a slow Wednesday!


JokeyJokemaker316 said...

Welcome to the Comedy Roast Central Roast of me! Bring on a slew of unfunny comics, and let me devastate them at the end.



JokeyJokemaker316 said...

First off, the Daughter thing, I was awake for 40 straight hours, it was the least I could do for Liz.

Also, no one left the pool when I wore my LIGHT GREEN trunks. I do however...regret the hand stands right in Gela's face. Sorry if I made you feel bad Jim!

I fixed the car with a screwdriver, not a wrench. For the record, the car did not stay repaired long. WHat do you expect? I had a damned screwdriver! Not the Phillips.....the flathead.

I only had Greg Olsen ad My fantasy tight end because my regular tight end had a BYE week. (Bi-week, get it?).



iz3y! said...

pair of pliers and a screwdriver, and your dad's laugh still haunts my soul!!!

strawberrykiss said...

my dad laughs?