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Friday, December 2, 2011

The Jimmy Carter of my sister's generation...

1. President Obama is a one term-er. There are several reasons why, but one reason recently became a revelation to me--the Black "elite" are abandoning him. Yes the same Negros that felt President Obama wasn't "black" enough when he was a candidate, flipped the script just enough to get him elected, and now feel slighted, disrespected and cheated from the lack of "lookin out" Obama has done for Black people. Gays got DADT repealed. Latinos got a supreme court justice. Black folks got...Eric Holder?

Specifically, the educated, money makin Negros feel like Obama should have stacked the courts with Black judges, there should be more Black U.S. Attorneys, the inspector general and the head of the CDC should be Black, etc. etc. Here is where I need to part with the thinking of my more militant peoples--this line of thinking is just ignorant.

Firstly, just because our President is Black, doesn't mean he can (or should) "black out" the government. Secondly, what's to guarantee that once placed in key positions, these Black folks would actually prove to be a benefit to the Black community? Clarence Thomas is widely considered to be one of the more detrimental forces to Black civil rights since he's been on the bench. Last I checked he's got more melanin in his skin than my entire maternal blood line. Lastly, even if recommended, these folks would need to get approved by Congress--the President can't even get a resolution to change the kind of toilet paper used in the white house passed these days, so what makes anyone think a slew of Negros would get affirmed as cabinet/judicial appointments?

Clearly as the first black president, Obama was put in a lose-lose situation. He either couldn't do enough or would do too much when it came to Black people. It seems that some people don't understand that as President, the man is responsible for ALL AMERICANS. Because you know, he can't win re-election with just 12% of the population of the country voting for him.

With the way politics work in this city, I wouldn't be surprised if Obama doesn't carry certain wards in 2012. Just know if that's the case, it will be because the "Black elite" bailed on his ass.

2. Newt Gingrich is pulling out George Bush tricks, a.k.a. scare tactics. Gingrich is painting President Obama as an "activist", someone who wants to "shake things up" so much that it will ruin the lives of his biggest demographic--old, crusty white folks. Should this idea take root, this would be yet another reason Obama gets only one term. Droves of people (mainly under the age of 40) got out to vote in 2008 to put Obama in office. Should HALF those people stay home in 2012, baby-boomers will carry more power, and Obama will be done. He's already polling like Carter, he might as well just change his name now.

3. Finally, on non-political note, I propose we end every blog entry for the remainder of 2011 with a picture of Kim's ass. Because we can never get enough of Kim's ass around here...

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