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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

From the Land of "NOSHITREALLY?"

“Kim Kardashian was stunned by the amount of bad press and the public relations nightmare she has endured since deciding to file for divorce, so she will be the focus of her tv shows to rehab her image.  The upcoming season will feature Kim Kardashian as the “victim” and Kris Humphries as the “lazy and insensitive” villain.  

Kim Kardashian has been raked over the coals in the court of public opinion ever since she filed for divorce from Kris Humphries. But we're supposed to believe that the real villain in the 72-day marriage, pals tell the tabloids, was out-of-work NBA star Karl  Humphries?   The articles say that he was mean and that he could be downright cruel to Kardashian.

“He belittled her in front of people,” one insider tells Us. “He’d call her stupid. It was truly sickening.  He tried to control Kim by bringing her down…He would say truly terrible things. One time, he said she had no talent and her fame wouldn’t last.  He even took exception to her world-famous fat ass, by calling her fat-ass,   the source says.  And when Kardashian (who rarely drinks and tends to go to bed early) asked her man to skip the nights out in favor of quality time, “He would tell her she was acting like too much of a wife and ‘get over it.”

     Holy Fucking shit!  Really?  Really?  The article adds that Humphries resented his wife’s fame and fortune. The same fortune she got by fucking Ray-J, and negotiating a settlement and piece of every porno tape sold.  The same fortune that parlayed the family from a bunch of nobodies to a family of no talent schmucks and Bruce Jenner.  The same fortune that was built on a foundation of being a party girl, and charging for making appeareances at nightclubs and bars.   Lets make no mistake here, no one thinks she is famous for her cd's, workout videos, or clothing lines.  All of that fame. money, fake wedding publicity is a direct result of letting Ray-J stick his cock in her face.    The only difference between Kim and Monica Lewinsky, is that Kim KNOWS she is a fucking sham.  Monica recently turned 50, and was complaining about why no one takes her seriously, but thats a whole other blog. 

     To summarize,  Kim put on an elaborate sham with a man she dated for a few months, made 17M in endorsements, and divorced in 72 days, and I am supposed to feel bad for her?  She got it twisted thinking that Kevin Humphries married her for love.  He knew the game, he knew that is he marries her, he gets some sex, and a whole lot of money on the back end.  In this case, on the FAT end.    Kim kardashian will try to position herself as the new Jennifer Anniston, Sandra Bullock, or any other woman who has had a man treat them bad.  But that would be doing a disservice to Tina Turner, and all the women who have overcome real problems to overcome.  I could care less about whether or not Kim makes it thorugh these tough times, she will always have porn to fall back on.  In fact, I'm counting on it.


따조 said...

Random blogs have been riding.
Will blog it going.
Come by jebeulrogeudo ^ ^

Sho-Nuff said...

There was a blog entry here? I was too focused on the pic

William Russ said...

I can't stand Kim Kardashian...Her body isn't even that nice. Thanks for speaking the truth!

William Russ said...

I can't stand Kim Kardashian...Her body isn't even that nice. Thanks for speaking the truth!