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Monday, November 8, 2010

As cold as the cold wind blows...

So Mr. Sullivan passed away a few weeks ago and still nothing has been done. It took Notre Dame more than a week to release a statement saying " Notre dame are responsible". Brian Kelly still coaches and Jack Swarbrick moves onward as Athletic Director. All while the Sullivan family mourns the loss of their 20 year old boy. Boy, not a man.

Should he not have gone up in the lift? Definitely. Who made the call? As of right now no one is fessing up. What i do know is this. My 4 year old's class did not go out to play that day because it was too windy.

Who knew it would be that windy out there? Believe it or not meteorologists were right on the button with forecasting the wind storm and had been predicting strong gusts for days.

Several NCAA football coaches have been on 670 The Score stating how they wouldn't practice outside if the wind was 25 MPH or stronger. Including Bobby Bowden of all people. Wind gusts that week were above 60 MPH.

But no. Brian Kelly is having a poor showing his 1st season and chose to have practice outside that day. A "productive" practice i might add. As he so notably stated during the press conference.

Productive?!?! A 20 year old died that day and practice was productive? Shame on you! Shame on Notre Dame! Shame on the family for not calling for heads to roll! And shame on the Catholic church for not demanding that something be done!

This was not his decision to go up and film practice. A 20 year old who works for a famed University would eat his own feces if told it would benefit the team. Who knows what is going on behind the scenes but i am worried with every day that passes that some poor old Catholic woman's weekly donation will end up in Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan's back pocket.

Am i jumping to conclusions? Most definitely. But with as many pedophiles that are within the Catholic church who have not seen the inside of a jail cell there is no evidence to prove otherwise. Millions of dollars have gone to payoffs for the amount of touching these priests have done. Who is to say the same won't be done with the Sullivan family.

I hope i am wrong. I hope somehow this wrong will be righted. But the fact that not one person has stepped forward at some teary eyed press conference asking for forgiveness in not making the right decision is beyond me.

People stand outside the University and protest when someone with a Pro-Choice stance is making a speech at their school. A 20 year old passes away so the football team can win and bring in millions more in booster and sponsorship money and nothing but silence. I hope someone speaks up for this kid. Regis? Joe Montana? The Bus? Rocket? Charlie Weiss? Brady Quinn? Joe Theismann? No one?

1 comment:

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

THis is why Notre Dame sucks, and will suck for ever more.