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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

$$$$ indoor tent $$$$

so my son has a new huge indoor tent. I mean this thing fits 6 kids, or me and him real comfortable and stands 5' tall. We popped it up in the house and now it is my new resting place for the night. The lilMAN doesnt even entertain sleeping on the bed, and since he is who he is, i now have to sleep on the floor with the tent.

This got me thinking...what happenend to pillow forts? You know..grabbing the couch cushions and some covers and creating what you imagined to be as intricate and sturdy as the fucking Death Star. Serious..who didnt hide in these pillow forts and think they were in some Bond Villain lair? I used to have walkie talkies in there for communication to the outside world. I thought i was in the equivalent of NORAD with all my technology. Sure my parents would rip off the covers when it was dinner, or my brother would invariably knock it down because he wanted to get it in, but regardless it was AWESOME! Now? 30 bucks buys you a pop up tent (means ur dumb ass doesnt have to do any work to set it up) and BOOM..the Taj Mahal of pillow forts flies open in front of you
Why didnt i come up with this idea when i was playing with cardboard boxes, and covers hanging off of my mom's couch? Damn it! What other million dollar ideas have i let slip through my fingers?


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