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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

so you're saying we can't be friends?

Man, so this is my latest discovery...well not latest but it just popped up!

People who go on 'breaks' with one another, but don't really know what it means. I really want to shake these fools. Is that legal? I will ask my attny later, but for now, just know i might go with the shake or the famous Archie backhand. YOU'RE ON A BREAK means ur broken up. That means you cant call on them and EXPECT them to show up. You can't call them at two in the morning to talk then get mad when they don't answer. There are no suspended sessions in relationships. You are either in, or your ass is not.

Woman fall for this all the time. They figure a break means he is taking time to re-evaulate the woman's awesomeness and that when he snaps out of his 'childish' funk he will come rushing back. Actually, the guy is taking this time to fuck that girl he had been meaning to fuck or was falsely accused of fucking this whole time, but couldnt because he was with your nagging ass. Once he either fucks her, or strikes out...he will be back and more loving than ever...and you will have thought the 'break' was good for you.

Men...dont get all fucking cocky just yet. If you havent been paying attention to me all these years, you should know women are the same as men. There are no "that's a woman thing" or a "man thing" there is only the weak and the strong. Luckily, society conintually tries to fool woman, but a high number have been operating in secret and yes...a break for them also means they get to explore. So if you call and she suddenly is really busy or has to go out in the hallway to talk to you, that is only because she doesnt want the deep voice muthafucka accidently being heard on the phone.

A break is a breakup. It is not a time of pensive thinking. Could it be? Sure, but also understand that it is a time of unfettered living. Treat it as such and get ur fucking head out of the clouds. Dont watch movies and see how the main characters really love each other and are only broken up because the weak ass male lead hasnt got it together to know that the love of his life is the really gorgeous metropolitan female lead. You're not Carrie Bradshaw, and that aint fucking Mr. Big. If you are, that means you have been with every one that your whore friends haven't explored and him...well let's just say Mr. Big was banging away ...just ask your friends!

I am not trying to be too harsh here, but really, let's snap out of this fantasy people. let's get to the living and quit this virtual reality we have created for ourselves! There are too many great people, great times, and great memories that need to be created to waste on things that just arent real. Get out and choose life!!!


Milli Vanilli - Blame it on the RAin

1 comment:

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

great post TUCKER MAX!!!!!


Sarcastic Guy