Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Damn I have way too much time on my hands!

What's the protocol for work? Do people really still the punch the clock at 8 or 8:30 and work like ants until lunchtime (~11:30 or 12) enjoy that slice of life for an hour then go back to work and grind it out until 5? Serious, am I the only who finds he has mad time on his hands? I am not a slacker by any means, because I actually do stuff, I just do it quick. At least I think I do, maybe I should take on more...who knows, but that is why I am asking. What is the protocol here?

My dad is a worker. He slaved for over 20 years at a factory where he distributed his unique brand of humor and ridiculous work ethic. Now he is an electrician where he is still doing the same. I am sure you guys are thinking that union guys are the biggest slackers, but trust me when I say my dad ain't like that. (threw an 'ain't' in there in case moms reads this...she hates that word) This is the guy who can't sit still and has to do something. Rip a wall down...sure. Garden is getting redesigned by moms...ON IT! So I know he is down for that 5:ooam to 3Pm stroll, but what is that the norm?

I can crank out a phone system, redesign a network and come up with answers for vexxing questions and still have time to blog, chat, and come up with ideas like a BLOG SITE. Does that make me a slacker? Has the computer made life easier so that those of us who work on it just have more time on our hands. I mean it is not like we are slaving away here. Oh, I see u in the backrow raising your hand ready to shout how you worked all day. Yeah we got it, it takes you 8 hours to work on an excel spreadsheet. how about you learn the program and you wont spend 8 hours!

In all seriousness, does anyone really fill in the work hours, or have we become masters of spacing out work? Does wasting time on something you don't know count as working? Does it matter?

Btw...For music during the day:

To get people to leave you alone:
Angry face and Industrial (front242, nitzer ebb, ABBA!)

Make time Fly:
Smile, and dance music (house set, green velvet) mindless hip hop

Calm u down after talking to dumb people
focused look and ColdPlay and/or Radio Head

yours truly,
iz3y! of the SOUTH!


JokeyJokemaker316 said...

fishmael, I believe that a workday is not meant to be sqaundered so frivilously. One should look for projects both long and short term to fill the day. Huevohead. You got free time, work on stuff to make things better. You got a dude struggling with excel sheets, put together a packet of helpful info. I would rather work with a good group of people who help
each other, than a selfish superstar, and a group of strugglers. Word to your mother.


strawberrykiss said...

If the Hawthorne Effect has taught us anything, it's that people work harder and better under pressure. Unless you work for yourself, you should have a source of pressure, inspiration, and goals to meet coming to you from a higher up. If you find you have more time than not to do non-work related activity, someone is not doing his/her job...because you are not doing your job. If you do little enough, they'll just find someone else who is doing just as little and consolidate two jobs to one, no?

iz3y! said...

i love it when hypocrites speak to me as if i needed their opinion! Hahah..i know for a fact both of you are penning a blog, and searching for shoes online. But i have taken your comments into consideration and I will act upon them post HASTE!!!