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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Time to play the race card...

Tiki Barber made news recently for comparing his hiding away in his agent's attic to the plight of Ann Frank. This was somehow anti-Semitic and made light of the Holocaust--undoubtedly the most horrific event in human history (insert sarcastic tone here). Don't get me wrong--the Holocaust was indeed a terrible event. Luckily that kind of evil is hard to come across in this chapter in human history. But someone needs to say it and only I, your Highness in waiting Sho-Nuff, have the balls to say it--the Holocaust pales in comparison to what happened to Africans in the Americas and the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Let's break it down:

--More Africans died ON THE WAY TO THE AMERICAS than the six million plus Jews that were killed by Hitler.

--Concentration and internment camps, gas chambers and genocide are terrible--but Jews were not sold or stolen from their homeland and dragged to another hemisphere...and then placed in camps, ghettos, and killed off.

--They weren't bred to make more laborers. (Yeah I know they were killed for their heritage. But its arguable which is worse--to be killed or to have your child taken from you and sold...and then beaten or killed?)

--Their women weren't raped, impregnated, and the children they gave birth to sold into slavery.

--They weren't hung and castrated with their genitals shoved in their mouths for even the slightest perceived amount of disrespect to "master" or any other white person.

--They weren't beaten and dragged through the streets before being hung and castrated.

--It wasn't illegal for them to read.

--New laws weren't created for them to keep them separate from the rest of the population...after they were released.

--They weren't, and are not 3/5ths of a person in any country's constitution.

--They weren't forced to be "buffalo soldiers."

--They weren't made fun of with "black face."

--Their exploits weren't celebrated to the point that their buffoonery has overtaken many of the successes achieved by them. (More kids know who Gucci Mane and Soulja Boy are than know that Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States. Hell DMX didn't even believe there was a Black man running for President or that his name was actually Barack Obama).

--They got reparations.

The Holocaust was definitely terrible because so much death happened in such a short duration--but imagine the Holocaust going on for over 300 YEARS--and then tack on a few hundred more for Jim Crow. So yeah I'm playin the race card. BIG TIME. On all you suckas. Bobby Jindhal isn't the first Indian-American governor without Lawrence Douglas Wilder. Sonia Sotomayor wouldn't be the first Latino on the Supreme Court without Thurgood Marshall. Bottom line is every time some tea toddler takes a shot at Obama, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton (the poster children of bringing attention to themselves whenever anyone has been "dissed") don't bring up slavery. But perhaps they should--everyone else gets to whine about the historical plight of their people. So should we.

Your Highness in waiting,

12 comments: said...
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JokeyJokemaker316 said...

I forget, who sold the africans into slavery? Thats right, OTHER AFRICANS. If you misread the tone of my blogs, please understand that I hate jesse jackson, not becuase he is black, but because he is a scumbag. He could be (Irish, and in my eyes he would be an Irish scumbag. I hate the guy, not the race. The holaoucaust sucked, slavery sucked, and every race has a horrific past that can be traced back to Spain of the Dutch netherlands in some way shape or form.

Playing the race card in an arguement or high stakes situation only leads into a pity contest that no one profits, advances, or recovers from except whitey. Props to black people for being the first ones to really threaten the white establishment. Cesar Chavez, Mohandas Ghandi, and Ernesto Guevara would have been able to reach the heights eventually as well. My question is, After Obama, who is the next great black leader? How is the next great Hispanic leader? SHIT, WHO IS THE NEXT GREAT LEADER PERIOD?

Raving Lunatic

iz3y! said...

uh...should we do an ESPN style break down of the world's tragedies. is there like an MVP award for unforgivable human atrocities i was not aware of.

I mean, the native americans being WIPED OUT is prolly gonna rank up there. Genocide in general across the globe has to rank up there. Or we can continue to whine about know over bottles of wine at our multiculturally mixed bars and clubs.

Race card is stupid. We are so mixed there arent races, just cultures, and everyone knows mine is better than yours!

Isabella said...
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Isabella said...

This is the dumbest fucking blog I have ever read! Save your pity party for someone else.

iz3y! said...

(African)Slaves died during journey = 1.3-4mil
Jews died in holocaust= 6 million

Isabella said...

Have you ever seen the documentary Shoah? You might kill yourself watching it. As someone who has taken a course on Nazi Germany, I know a thing or two about the Jews. May I also mention that I went to Amsterdam and visited Ann Frank's house? Yeah. It is moronic to compare the atrocities. Jews weren't beaten and raped? Have you picked up a history book? I think BET has failed you. Did you know that Jews were instructed to kill their own family members, or lie to them and guide them into gas chambers? Jews were raped, stolen from their homes, treated like slaves, sent to the ghettos to work for the Germans, beaten and burned alive? All of the aforementioned go hand in hand with war, whether you are black, white, hispanc or yellow. You can't compare pain. This isn't a contest. At least the Jews aren't bitching still to this day and getting a free scholarship out of it!

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

we need to refocus the point of the blog here. Slavery and genocide bad, race card, lame last-resort, and sho-nuffs original estimates, off a bit.

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

I have thought about it, and I have to say that although slavery was bad, at least slaves were not marched into ovens when it was all said and done.

Sho-Nuff said...

The point of the blog is that everyone else wants to play victim when someone makes an ill placed comment. Noah is roasted for calling a fan a "fag." TIki Barber is anti-semetic for joking about being like Ann Frank. So in that same spirit I propose motherfuckers play the race card more--because it's equally if not moreso annoying that when the Anti-defamation league or any other group wants to play their card.

CNN recent released an article concerning the over 10 million Africans that died in transport during the trans-Atlantic slave trade. 1.3 mil - 4 account for the numbers that were headed for NORTH America--documentation on slaves headed to Central and South America isn't as thorough. The article relied on trade routes, conditions, etc. If I find it I'll forward it on.

Sho-Nuff said...

I love writing shit like this just to incite reaction and discussion--precisely what it's done. But I'd encourage a closer read--a second or third even.

Understand that what happened to Africans in the Americas was systematic and went on for CENTURIES. By no means do I discredit Hitler's evil, something unique in that the whole idea was his and he got people to buy in. In that regard the Holocaust was certainly more horrific. The African slave trade had Europe and countries in Africa involved. Spain, England, France, tribal leaders in Ghana--a whole lot of people thought it was a great idea, so perhaps not as evil since the thought of the day was that Africans were inferior.

But to allow that idea to go on from say about 1530-something until 1964 (and even that's pushing it)??? That's slightly insane. Once the world had enough of Hitler's bullshit and beat Germany down, no one looked at Jews the same. The world continues to tip-toe around any issue involving Jews, maybe even because of the Holocaust. Hell we don't even say shit about what's going on in Palestine!

Contrast that to America where after the civil war America said "fine we can't have slaves, we'll just relegate them to second class citizens." That alone went on for a century!

In reality the two are apples and oranges, just like comparing the wiping out of an entire race on a continent is pretty incomparable to any other atrocity by mankind. The point is no one pulls out the violins as fast (or as much) as Jesse and Al--and even they don't whine as much as some of these other groups do. EVERYONE needs to not rely on the "disadvantages" of their pasts and focus on building from them. THAT is the point and focus of the blog.

iz3y! said...

you do understand the ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST hates Israel right? well the extremists really...but better to over sensationalize, right brother?