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Monday, May 9, 2011

Ladies and Gentleman your NAVY SEALS

you ever watch GI JANE or SEAL with Charlie Sheen? No...what the fuck is wrong with you.

See on Sunday last week, the US basically quit playing around with people and decided that these long campaigns of "naiton building" wasnt really working out for our Planetary rep. No...we decided to go in a new direction under Obama...and that is COUNTER TERRORISM!!! Yes, ladies and gentlman...COUNTERing the TERRORISTS. Whoa...what does that mean you are asking. Glad you asked.

we go in and bomb the fuck out ur country because we believe you are hiding a terrorist. We then tell you who should run the country and what political system you should have. As a cherry on top, we will take your prized export, act like we own the place (i mean, we did bomb the shit out of u) and then when you need us most, leave or reduce the number of troops we have there. the W thought this was a great idea and i have to say it has worked out well in terms of keeping oil high (see everyone wants to fuck with our oil lines), trash our international relationships, and make the spot light a little brighter on that moron.

You bomb us, we go on about ripping ur fucking terrorist organization apart. We spend years tracking down the target's friends, family, couriers, hoes, people who owe them money, etc. We do that on the quiet. Real hush and what not. We don't take over your country, we swoop in with two black unmarked helicopters carrying 25 of the baddest men and women we can carry loaded up with high tech night goggles, rifles, and whatever else they can carry. We give them instructions to acquire or eliminate the target, and DIE TRYING to accomplish that feat. We have jets circling the country that has the misfortune of a "high profile target" hiding in it. We have drone planes, extra attack helicopters on stand by with munitions ready to blow your shit to kingdom come. As Hilary said..."there is no waiting us out."

To return to the rant...Sunday sent a strong message that people are picking up on. 1: when we say we are going to do something, we are going to do it. That alone should inspire banks to trust us again. 2: if you keep fucking with us (khadafi...looking dead at your ass) you will be on the wrong side of 25 of the baddest people we have to offer. They wont be negotiated with and you cant use ur wife as a shield.

So thank you NAVY SEALS, and thank you whoever really ratted out the whereabouts of Osama, and at one point, Saddam Hussein. Your efforts and heroism is appreciated by us all. We sleep better because you all do things that would make us lose sleep. Also, you guys inspire awesome movies with Charlie Sheen and to be honest, in retrospect even, you deserve better than that!


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