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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Former IMF President Dominique Straus Khan.....Who am I kidding, ITS THE CHOOCH PUNISHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baby, since you've been gone, The chooch punisher just hasn't been the same. I must admit to you, I miss our loving. Since you left, I have been unable to erase the memories of you from my mind. Day and night, I dream of you. I dream of all the wonderful moments we shared together. I dream that one day, I will enjoy the privilege and pleasure of rat-tat-tat-tatting that ass once again.
Sweet, baby. I want to invite you back to my apartment and make a special night for you. I want you to lay back and let the  CP make everything all right again. I want to make you a gourmet meal and serve it to you on only the finest chinet heavy paper plating. I could also keep the enviroment in mind and use real plates,  Thats how much I care for you.   We will enjoy wine and candlelight, and I will make roast duck or cornish game hen, or some such meal that is equally as fine. Only the finest meal is fit for my baby. There will be cheddar biscuits also.  
I will hand-spoon the meal into your sweet mouth. Every bite. And I won't rush you. I will not present you with another bite until after you are completely done with the one you are on at that time. I would never choke you with anything other than ............well, figure it.
I believe that after I prepare this superb meal for you, you will come back to me. You will forgive me for all the wrong I've done you. I know you will. Because I am truly sorry for all those things I did to you. And I am deeply sorry for all the things I said to you. Your big breasted friends all said they had better bodies than you and I had to defend your honor again and again and again and again.  Sometimes it was 2 or 3 against one.  But I hung in there until I was dehydrated and needed a 20 min nap defending your honor.  You know I didn't mean any of it. the Punisher will love you with all of his heart and for all of eternity. His love will be sappier that any shitty Boyz2men song on your Ipod.

I mean, sure, i ravaged her body over and over, BUT IT WAS MEANINGLESS.  Meaningless in the Friedreich Nitchzie, God-is-dead, kind of way.  I mean, we both had multiples,, but it was meaningless!  In fact,  I just want to get freaky with you right now. Right this second. Do it to me right this moment.  The only time the Punisher is ever happy is when he is thinking of you. Don't you see, baby? I can't live without you.
When I am thinking about you, I am thinking about sprinkling the floor of your home with rose petals. Then I want to put on your favorite Jodeci tape and dance with you real slow. Then I want to slowly pull your clothes off your smooth, sexy body and move you onto the floor. Then, I want you to get on top and reverse cowgirl me all night long.  Oh, you don;t like the reverse Cowgirl?  Never mind then,  I must have mistook you for your friend....Susanna.  When you see her, tell her i said "Hi."

And you know, girl, when the chooch punihser says he will love you all night long, he means all night long. From the onset of night to the break of dawn. I will not sleep until you are satisfied. I will attend to your every desire. I am not concerned with my own happiness whatsoever. I will rub scented jasmine lotion all over your naked body. I will wrap you in satin sheets and hold you. I will strip for you like the woman in Titanic, or The Full Monty.  
Baby, I just want to be your everything. I will make it my sole mission in life to be your servant. And I will not stop eating peaches and pleasing you until the day I die. I will also give you attention and love during that time

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