Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Alright, I was personally asked to review this from my movie sensei so of course i accepted the mission. My partner in crime today is my beautiful girlfriend Bella who somehow kept it a secret that she was such a THOR fan. I mean, it took no effort at all to get her to go, and she was even heads up enough to buy a poster and download a wallpaper of Chris Hemsworth as Thor for her phone.

Theater: Quarry
Time: 10:40
Chris Hemsworth (ladies begin drooling now), Natalie Portman (borderline pedaphile delight), and the immortal Idris Elba (doing his thing).

iz3y: First of all, going into this movie my expectations were set to just above Daredevil levels. If you were unlucky enough to watch that nonsense you would know, i have zero love for that movie. Hell, I have max hate for Daredevil. This is how i was going into this one. Natalie Portman does absolutely nothing for me in terms of drool factor. Iron man had at minimum Gwenyth and then upped the game to include Scarlett. In terms of special effects, i wasnt overly impressed and in terms of Characters, I cant say I was too excited for THOR. He doesn't have the pomp or circumstance of Spider-man/Batman or the awesome acting of Robert Downey. This was not in Dark Knight Territory and seemed as cheesy looking as the 7/11 cups they were pushing.
Bella: uhhh...Thor is hot. I still think Natalie Portman is pretty, she is athletic looking. Other than that is this a comic? Who is Thor? (Jokey somewhere is groaning)
iz3y: needless to say the BUZZ is not good

THE THOUGHTS post Movie:
iz3y: Who the hell is Kenneth Brannagh and how did he pull this off? He completely assassinated the pre-movie buzz with a smart, well done film. He took a character, with again, no real moxie and by the end you actually look forward to the another movie with Thor. Whether that is the Avengers movie or THOR: Bringing the Thunder from down under, you are in. The Special effects were nice and not over done. The action sequences were spot on, and finally someone made that stupid hammer look cool. The worst part of the movie was Thor's crew, but other than that...WELL DONE and definitely worth the watch. 3D, as in most cases with movies, is not necessary.
Bella: I liked it. I thought the story was good, and i had no idea who he was, but it was good and easy to follow. I also believe we need to see more of him. Maybe he can dye his hair black or something. I think Natalie Portman is so cute!

iz3y: i had to say that Idris Elba needs to be in more movies. His character on paper is total damn nonsense. He is basically an overgrown troll guarding a bridge, but he brings something to it. Loki was also brilliantly casted as you can instantly find at least 5 things to hate about him and he hasn't really done anything yet. I would have liked to have seen more mischief, but I am sure they had to keep some things in reserve.
Bella: count me in for the fighting. ENTERTAIN ME!!! the action sequences were good, and that is what I wanted to see. I don't care about stupid helmets or fantasy lands. I want to see someone get their ass kicked!
iz3y: you're so practical!

Bella: Let me talk about this whole Natalie Portman thing. I know you don't like her, but she is cute. I didn't feel she was right for Thor. We needed a woman. possibly Italian, with some passion.
iz3y: Monica Bellucci? yeah...something like that...maybe curlier hair. But seriously, they did a good job casting then they kind of just dropped Natalie on us. Loved her in Black Swan, accepted her in THOR. Rutger Hauer...he alright.
Bella: The story line was rea good. It was simple and yet effective. The movie needed a soundtrack maybe. Sucker Punch and Hannah had great soundtracks and that helps.
iz3y: good call!

iz3y: this movie was just effective. Not too much flash and not to much cheesiness. It really delivered the action and the characters were presented so well. We caught glimpses of Hawkeye, and the tie in to the Avengers so they definitely covered their "franchise" bases.
Bella: I would recommend it as a date movie since women get theirs. It was a good story line, great action, and some nice special effects.
iz3y: It's not IRON MAN
Bella: duh...there is no Robert Downey Jr. but those muscles make up for it. The acting was good though and the Direction was well done. Suprisingly funny and definitely visually appealing.
iz3y: yeah so basically, not as good as Iron Man and no where near the class of DARK KNIGHT, but definitely a good watch. It was as good as XMEN 1 and on par with Spiderman 2.
Bella: yeah!

iz3y: 3.5 of 5...Entertaining and good follow.
Bella: 4 of 5...Hemsworth aided rating!

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