Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Friday, February 12, 2010


Sho-nuff is back for the 2010 and is pissin folks off. Why? Because the people want me to put fingers to keys but I've been taking a pass. It's 2010--can't write about the same stuff as 2009. That means no more politics. No more religion. I leave love and relationships to Iz3y, the Handsome Right Hander and Pimpalicious. So what could I POSSIBLY have left to write about? I'm so glad I asked...


Truth is the cause of many a conflict, whether it be between nations, races, genders or governments and individuals. There is no such thing as truth. There are two categories of ideas that we as a society accept as truth: facts and proof. Only problem is that both are subjectively influenced. Facts depend on perception. Proof depends on the experiment which is often designed and carried out by people, and the results perceived by individuals. Ultimately what we call "truth" boils down to perception, but perception can deceive. What "is" may not be that simple; one may not perceive the entire picture. We want to say you can't judge a book by its cover, but our brains won't let us convince ourselves that if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, that it can't possibly be a swan--even after reading the "Ugly Duckling."

Which brings me to the most controversial form of truth--what we want to believe. This is where most conflict starts. In this form, truth is what people want to believe is true and any conflict with that is trouble. It is because of this most people can't handle honesty. For example your significant other buys a new outfit and asks your honest opinion. You think it's quite possibly the worst outfit ever--and give your honest opinion. Suddenly now you're getting all kinds of attitude. What was wanted wasn't honesty, it was affirmation of THEIR reality, their truth. People swear they want candor because as a society we value sincerity as truth. But once we find out how people really feel and what they really think, if it's in conflict with our own reality, it must be a lie.

People walk around in denial about all aspects of their lives because they simply can't handle reality. They question everyone else's integrity because their own perception--or truth--blinds them. You want truth? You people CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. If it even existed.

1 comment:

strawberrykiss said...

interesting. i think there's an argument within the blog about empiricism vs. rationalism that should be flushed know, the idea of knowledge as truth and how it's capable of being attained.