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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Screw you Eskimos!


My name is jokey jokemaker, and I do not believe in eskimos. "Madness," you say? "NO." I say. I mean, have you ever known anyone to have actually seen an eskimo walking around downtown Chicago? Have you ever seen an Eskimo skeleton in the wild? Have you even ever heard of an Eskimo sighting on the Blue Line? I did not think so. Therefore, I use the awesome power of my intellect to postulate that Eskimos do not exist. You may furrow your brown in a vain attempt to understand how you always thought eskimoes existed, but I am here to tell you 2 things. First, your intellect is meager compared to mine. Finally, that eskimos do not exist. You probably just watched too many Clutch Cartgo cartoons growing up.

Crushing your childish misconceptions

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