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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

More signs that u should run from that bitch/asshole: READER'S edition

The People have spoken and have added more tips that could invariably save your life. If you missed the first part click here. I had to list these out as a separate post because they were so good. The original text can be found in the comments section of the first post. ENJOY, and remember, these could save you a lot of time and trouble.

From Pumps:
Sign #14: The power handshake. Greeting any of your friends who are members of their same sex (read: potential competition) with a handshake that would cripple Superman. I've seen ladies handle this differently...more subtle, but the up/down stare of disapproval is just as crazy/weird/uncalled for.

Sign #15: Turning every discussion into what you've done wrong in your whole relationship. Mind you, this is usually fiction, but in their is reality. And the discussion could be over dish soap, but you "always" do fill-in-the-blank.

From Strawberry Kiss
Sign #16: Someone who asks you to describe in detail the full anatomy of your exes has some issues you might want to look out for. no, seriously, he made me draw charts and graphs...

From Jokey
Sign #17: her mom hits on you

Sign #18: she hits you with a bat, and then runs when you swing at her

Sign #19: she tries to hit you with a car

From theHeras
Sign #20: Threats of how they will never let you be happy and will make your life miserable during and after break-up. (For example -They also find a way to call your job and tell your boss of what you have done to get you fired.)Don't forget about this one...the most important one...AFTER THE BREAK-UP...

Sign #21: They get their family members and friends to call and harass you about why you broke up and what happened. A persusive essay is needed as to why your decision is the correct one with sufficient supporting evidence and documentation.

Sign #22: Occasionaly texts and e-mail sent to you by your psycho ex saying that they miss u and reassuring that u did not change your mind.

Sign #23: Even after the restraining order and the numerous posters with their face WARNING the community at large he or she is not allowed on the premises, they still manage to miss the MAIN IDEA HINT: STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME...and continue to find creative ways to pursue and get their way (ex.

Sign #24: After you are married with children and you manage to move on with you're life you get a random e-mail, text, or phone call stating you were "the best thing that EVER HAPPENED to them" and they "WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU."

From Schweezy
Sign #25: The girl/boyfriend that says "I didn't want to be the first to say it but I love you." after dating for only 3 or 4 weeks. Scary!!!! What ever happened to getting to know someone a little better first?

From LadyP
Sign #26: Classic Cock Block-They constantly send u flowers at work knowing damn well yall ain't together no more just to put doubt in someone you just might be seeing at work...(wait not seeing anyone at work). Quit wasting your money...

Sign #27: Blow Off-Also, for some reason as if you cared, when you blow them off and make them realize you don't want them anymore they send you naked pics...first of themselves as if I wanted to see that stuff in the first place, then when no response, of other females to piss u off, THEN if no reaction...constant calling. [ed note...grand prize winner for strangest shit i have ever heard of in my life!!!]

Sign #28: WARNING!!! When the guys own brother tells u he is no good, he isn't hating...he's tellin the truth...

Sign #29: PLAYA or LOSER-When at first they admit to having one kid...then two years later they have 5!? WTF?

From iz3y!
Sign #30: Your Family has a nasty nickname for your 'bitch'/'asshole' other half. I mean, not something endearing, but something that describes them as a total loser. Do not ignore that...they are not trying to be cute or funny. They are trying to holler at you!!!

Bonus!!!! from LadyP
Not even sure how this is useful but....
Culture Shock-friend met a guy from Lebanon AND Muslim...on first date he told a story about how he was in prison there and father and brother BOMBED it to get him out...RUN, RUN far away!!! AND as some of you may know an Indian guy keeps proposing marriage to me and tells me that we don't need to know each other, just marry and move to India...YEAH RIGHT, RUN, RUN, RUN...

WE DID IT...WE DID IT...30 down...can we hit 50? Remember, this is a service and we are helping people out here!!!

trembling like pond during a rain (when u read all of these u have to)


LadyP said...

31. They give you background on his/her life and name all the places they have lived...then you probe and find out they didn't actual live there they were moved during their incarceration.

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

32. They are whiny bitches. You really start to believe that after they get that: job, car, house, record deal, degree, big break; they will grow up a bit. It never happens

33. People with no Mind Filters - aka people who bring up super-secret shit in conversations that are shocking.

EX. After I had my first of 4 abortions, I had a hard time having an orgasm. I almost fell out of my chair!

34. People that are stuck - people who will complain day and night about their mate, but do nothing to improve their relationship

35. Quitters - these are people who'se flight-or-fight response is stuck on flight. You argue, and they run to their mommy's house. I had a crazy bitch that would run around the block, and crouch by the garbage cans in the alley looking into my yeard.

36. She treats you like a placeholder - You are a temporary solution to a problem such as, but not limited to:

Fill in Male/Female Role model
aka - mommy or daddy is not around

Co-signer - they need to move out of their home/car/trailer, and need your credit to do it, and they will fuck you, untill something batter comes along

37. People with Helicopter parents. The rentals are always around, and they seem to know if/when/what you guys argur about and actively defend their son/daughter.

38. Bitches- male and female people who are unhappy with their current lives, and take it out on you. Maybe they dreamed that by 30 they would be millionaires, but life doens't always turn out like that.

strawberrykiss said...

mmm, women who readily admit to sleeping around to get what they want when their boyfriends are at the table.