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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

FINAL! More signs that u should run from that bitch/asshole: THE END!

Well like any dysfunctional ass relationship, this finally ends! I mean keep posting keep grooving, but really we should move on. Thanks to all my freaks out there who helped me out with this. You may not believe this, but I added maybe one comment to the list. ONE! Oh, have some happened to me...MOS DEF. This was driven by you, the classiest of readers. The originals are found in old posts.

I thank you all very much and I am sure there are daters/married people out there who are thanking you. In all seriousness, life is way too short to bother with a psycho. Enjoy life, enjoy the shit out of it. Here are the last of the official: Signs that you should leave that bitch/asshole!

Part I, Part 2, Part III are here for a refresher course.

From Jokey
Sign #41: Women who hit you when they are mad. I call you a jerk, you call me a jerk back. Thats how it works. At no time should punches be introduced, because I am pretty sure I can outpunch you JERK.

Sign #42: Men or women with massive debt. This cloud will rain on you for the duration of your relationship. Men with alimony payments/child support/escalade payments are pretty much damaged goods. As are women whose husbands used to take them to france for breakfast. Who or what can fulfill these wild expectations in this economy? Yeah he used to let you shop all day long? Then why did he get rid of your ass?

Sign #43: Pushovers. men or women you can call on for favors/loans/booty. Their only power is the power to make you feel bad about what a bad person you are. They turn the harsh gaze of cruelty backon you, and make you feel bad for it. They are good for your overall development, but just not too much at once. Kinda like heroin.

From theHERAS
Sign #44: They are not over their EX. They talk about them, hang, vacation...the works. The EX is part of the family and they have known each other their whole lives.

(ie. TAKEN FROM EXPERIENCE You start dating them thinking, "no biggie" then come to find out they take a family vacation together to Mexico. They come back from the vacation "a month later" and claim nothing happens. You continue to "believe and date them" come to find out months later they have been cheating on you the whole time with the ex. *In this case one is a psycho and the other an idiot for putting up with it.)

From iz3y!

Sign #45: They have an entire conversation with you. Details, slurs, yelling, crying, hell even a soliloquoy on the fact that if ur dad's sperm never met your mom's eggs, the world will be a better place. Yet later on, they have no recollection of ever having said a single word, that left u bewildered and mad. Going so far as to act like everything is good and you're as happy as they now seem to be!

Sign #46: They intentionally make you mad, then are suprised when you get mad, to the point they are now angrier, and blaming you for making them angry.

Sign #47: They flirt with ur friends/neighbors/family and have no idea why you would be upset.

Sign #48: They ask for weird ass shit for you to do, then show utter shock when you say it is not possible. For example:
"Why don't we drive an escalade?"
"Why do they have a nicer house than us?"
"Can we rent a private jet like on TV?"

GET A FUCKING JOB LOSER that will pay for all that!

Sign #49: They say they are crazy, mentally disturbed, or speak to themselves and disagree! I mean that shit is obvious. Do not laugh it off!

Sign #50: Alternative ending to #45 and inevitable ending this whole damn list...they expect you to apologize for it all. should apologize for them acting like they have no sense!

WE DID IT....WE DID IT....WE HIT 50!!!

This is like that scene in Breakin when the street kids save Miracles from the Developers!!!!

Thank you so much...feel free to keep adding, because as I said, you might be saving someone time, trouble, headaches, and years of pscyhiatry bills.

I leave you with a great song from the DOORS - THE END!


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