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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

10 signs that u should run from that bitch/asshole! + 3 bonus tips!

Due to the current climate of dating, i felt the need to share some advice/stories/tips from my single/divorced people. Please feel free to laugh ur ass off, but also use this knowledge. Print this out, laminate it, and take it with you on EVERY DATE! It could potentially save u tons of time and money. Plus, you won't wake up feeling like a complete failure! This is izcorp! guaranteed.

SIGN #1: They call ur friends to know where you are at, even after you gave them an initnerary. Then, they call another one of ur friends to make sure that the first friend told them the truth, and all the while they are sitting outside the club in their PJs or at a club themselves with someone else.

They give you absolutely no private time whatsoever for fear you might...insert dramatic pause... think about anything else except them. IE....walking in the bathroom whilst showering/or on the can. Constantly hanging around u, no matter where u go and then acting bewildered when u ask for just an hour of space.

: Marks you as territory. From the classy NAMEPLATE in old english, to posting pix on YOUR FACEBOOK/My SPACE site of themselves or making it mandatory that your do you to ensure those 'bitches'/'assholes' know that you're with them. This also includes the CLUB HOVER (never leaving your side) and the PUBLIC STARE DOWN (no matter where ur at, the face always says your with them, accentuated with murderous intent).

SIGN #4:
Changing their physical appearance in a drastic way. Like you say, wow that actress is cute, and they take it as, I need to dye my hair blonde like that bitch for you to like me? Or threatening to shave their head if break up with them. Or guys screaming, "I can kick his 6 pack ass...i dont need to look like that...fuck u if u think i do"...and all u said was..."Wow...#87 made a great catch." This also includes suggesting matching outfits. Also, tattooing your name on themselves, and your not married or dead. Hell you havent even declared love, but they feel if you know how serious they are about you, u will grow to love them.

SIGN #5:
Makes wedding plans on your third date. I know, some of u are all like, well some people just know. You might be a psycho! Serious, at date three it is nice to dream about one day being married to 'someone', not plan out how the doves will be released with the you!

SIGN #6:
Calling repeatedly using 2 min intervals, ensuring that u can't possibly have or do anything meaningful. Calling despite just talking to you, because 'they forgot to tell u something'. Calling so often, they might as well not have hung up, which is what they want. They are using ur cell as a bugging device and letting that 'bitch'/'asshole' ur with that u belong to them. Your parents and church group just chuckle!

Sign #7:
Texting you having a complete convo with themselves where there is no interaction on ur part. They work themselves up into a lather, and play all the parts in this sick twisted movie showing in their head. The worst part is that in their head it was all real, even ur answers that never existed.

Sign #8: Breaking into your personal records. Yep, like a spy they feel that if they just go through all your records they are sure they will find ur affair out. This includes your MY SPACE/FACEBOOK wall posts and messages, email accounts, cell records, and even your credit card and bank statements. When they find nothing, they keep looking periodically for the time they will.

Sign #9:
Making plans knowing u have plans, and then acting hurt because u don't want to hang with them, and surprised that u have plans.

Sign #10:
The CHEATERS MOVE!!! They have a fine looking friend try to flirt with you or pick u up at a club and then either watch or report back to them at a later date. They hope by tempting u, they will prove ur piece of shit.

Sign #11: They hold ur means of communication (cell) hostage. I mean they know best right and really, who do you need to talk to?

Sign #12:
They wait for you at ur families house for you to arrive. No timetable, no warning, because they know ur going to return there and they really want to talk.

Sign #13:
They wonder who ur trying to look good for when u go workout? This also extends to calling u names like Slut or whore, for applying make up, perfume, cologne!

Keep ur head on a swivel for real. I know circumstances are unique and yes, maybe ur woman/man is different, but just in case, u have the list!!!

PLEASE ADD MORE, help the cause!

free flowing like water,


Pumps said...

Let me say to those of you who don't believe this your damn eyes. Take it from a girl who wishes she had this list 10 years ago...

#14. The power handshake. Greeting any of your friends who are members of their same sex (read: potential competition) with a handshake that would cripple Superman. I've seen ladies handle this differently...more subtle, but the up/down stare of disapproval is just as crazy/weird/uncalled for.

#15. Turning every discussion into what you've done wrong in your whole relationship. Mind you, this is usually fiction, but in their is reality. And the discussion could be over dish soap, but you "always" do fill-in-the-blank.

strawberrykiss said...

that sounds like some crazy ass shit. i did have someone go through my emails...all of them inbox and outbox, and that was it. i could never go back to believing or trusting that this person wasn't crazy and just looking for a way to blame me. i would also like to add that someone who asks you to describe in detail the full anatomy of your exes has some issues you might want to look out for.

strawberrykiss said...

no, seriously, he made me draw charts and graphs...

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

16# her mom hits on you
17# she hits you with a bat, and then runs when you swing at her
18# she tries to hit you with a car

El Alacran said...

11 out of 16 + this telling me something?

Anonymous said...

#19 - Threats of how they will never let you be happy and will make your life miserable during and after break-up. (For example -They also find a way to call your job and tell your boss of what you have done to get you fired.)

Don't forget about this one...the most important one...AFTER THE BREAK-UP...

#20 - They get their family members and friends to call and harass you about why you broke up and what happened. A persusive essay is needed as to why your decision is the correct one with sufficient supporting evidence and documentation.

#21 - Occasionaly texts and e-mail sent to you by your psycho saying that they miss u and reassuring u did not change your mind.

#22 - Even after the restraining order and the numerous posters with their face WARNING the community at large he or she is not allowed on the premises, they still manage to miss the MAIN IDEA HINT: STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME...and continue to find creative ways to pursue and get their way (ex.

and finally after you are married with children and you manage to move on with you're life you get a random e-mail, text, or phone call stating you were "the best thing that EVER HAPPENED to them" and they "WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU."

Schweezy said...
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Schweezy said...

#23 - The girl/boyfriend that says "I didn't want to be the first to say it but I love you." after dating for only 3 or 4 weeks. Scary!!!! What ever happened to getting to know someone a little better first?

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

Medical research has recently proven that

Psycho bitches stay psycho

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

One of my students contributed

"If you love me bitch, how can you fuck someone else like a week later? If you love me, how can you treat me so bad and expect me not to leave?"

LadyP said...

24. Classic Cock Block-They constantly send u flowers at work knowing damn well yall ain't together no more just to put doubt in someone you just might be seeing at work...(wait not seeing anyone at work). Quit wasting your money...

25. They use intro lines like...I gotta a big D!@#

26. Blow Off-Also, for some reason as if you cared, when you blow them off and make them realize you don't want them anymore they send you naked pics...first of themselves as if I wanted to see that stuff in the first place, then when no response, of other females to piss u off, THEN if no reaction...constant calling

27. WARNING!!! When the guys own brother tells u he is no good, he isn't hating...he's tellin the truth...

28. When u are a woman and a man tells u they want to get married to you within the first few months and you get scared...AND when they think u truly want to marry them when u DON'T even know them...

29. PLAYA or LOSER-When at first they admit to having one kid...then two years later they have 5!? WTF?

strawberrykiss said...

well, i'm not sure #25 counts, but i understand. someone can be suspiciously nice, too. i had someone put a pea under my mattress and use my bad back the next day as proof that i was a princess. sweet...and then scary.

LadyP said...

30. Culture Shock-friend met a guy from Lebanon AND Muslim...on first date he told a story about how he was in prison there and father and brother BOMBED it to get him out...RUN, RUN far away!!! AND as some of you may know an Indian guy keeps proposing marriage to me and tells me that we don't need to know each other, just marry and move to India...YEAH RIGHT, RUN, RUN, RUN...