Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Mind of mischief

So it is friday and today we get way more lighthearted. Today I present you with a list of stuff to do to your co-workers, without getting caught. Nothing crazy, so we won't be cutting break lines in this blog...for that go to JOKEY WORLD. No, here I will give your the tips that will bring a smile to your face and quite possbily, drive a co-worker insane.

Rules: dont get caught, but make sure everyone knows u were involved. What is the point of doing something and not getting any credit.
Rules: dont go overboard...there is no need to light anything on just is bad form
RULES: know when ur joke went to far and give it up. Hint: if you're in handcuffs...quit trying to explain. If the person is having an epileptic seizure because they are allergic to peanuts and u gave them a spoonful of peanut butter...stop laughing and mimicking their convulsions.

#1: the old CHAIR ADJUSTMENT: this is a classic. Everyday, like clockwork, just fuck up how someone has adjusted their chair. height, arm rests, location..the works. If it reclines, but they have locked, unlock it. If it is unlocked, lock it. This drives people nuts, and it generally takes days to get in order.

#2: 3 inches to the left. Move everything just slightly out of place. Not enough to visually notice, but enough so that they question. "did someone move my stapler?" 3 inches one way, 2 creative.

#3: Business Card TP of the Cube. Someone did this to me and I was not furious. I was proud, excited and impressed. They took every card I had and just placed them everywhere. Where once i had wall hangings...CARDS! Keyboard...CARDS! On top of my bobblehead, taped to my monitor...everywhere. It was so impressive I have vowed to...

#4: THE GIFT WRAP! Oh yeah, gift wrapping a cube is the one. Go buy that paper they put on the floors when you paint and go to town and just envelope the whole Cube. HUGE bow is a plus and required. Placing a huge tag on there with FROM: ME TO: [Victim's Name] really adds a personal touch.

#5: Unplug their laptop or computer...childish...oh yeah. But so is working 8-5. This will precipitate a phone call to their Tech department which are usually filled with know it all assholes who find it beneath them to ever visit ur cube. Once they discover (after 10 minutes of troubleshooting everything BUT THE POWER CORD), that the power cord is out, they will shoot them a look of utter disdain that could kill medusa, and then say something quippy like, "Yeah, so next time check the power!" It took them 10 minutes to come to the same conclusion and they are the experts!!! All of this will be played out in front of worth it.

#6: Sign them up for all kinds of SPAM...this is just plain ass mean, but hey, if u got this far, you prolly dont care about that anymore.

#7: Tell everyone it is their Birthday, going as far as to leave a cake mysteriously at their desk. Put up streamers, and balloons. If you can get people to sing them happy birthday as they walk, all the better. Then watch as they tell people it is not their birthday, immediately ruining the good time, or pretend it is and act all uncomfortable. That is when u step in and say, "i thought your birthday was 3 months ago. "

#8: For tech folks....Change their default printer to somewhere on the other side of the floor. After about 10 print jobs, they should get the message.

#9: Put their phone on DO NOT DISTURB. See how long it takes to them to figure out why they are not getting any calls.

#10: Stinky time!!! Place a piece of food (dead fish) somewhere in their cube. The smell will last weeks, the laughter, and ETERNITY!

Remember, don't get caught and have a good time.

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