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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Even more signs that u should run from that bitch/asshole: READER'S Edition II

So the train hasn't stopped because my people have continued to contribute. It is like there has been a social awakening about this subject. The outpouring has been great. Here are even more tips to help you decide if you need to put on some Nikes and run from that bitch/asshole. izcorp! proudly presents PART III tips 31-40 of this impressive list....

Part II is here and Part I

From LadyP
Sign #31: They give you background on his/her life and name all the places they have lived...then you probe and find out they didn't actual live there they were moved during their incarceration.

From Jokey
Sign #32: They are whiny bitches. You really start to believe that after they get that: job, car, house, record deal, degree, big break; they will grow up a bit. It never happens

Sign #33:
People with no Mind Filters - aka people who bring up super-secret shit in conversations that are shocking. EX. After I had my first of 4 abortions, I had a hard time having an orgasm. I almost fell out of my chair!

Sign #34:
People that are stuck - people who will complain day and night about their mate, but do nothing to improve their relationship

Sign #35: Quitters - these are people who'se flight-or-fight response is stuck on flight. You argue, and they run to their mommy's house. I had a crazy bitch that would run around the block, and crouch by the garbage cans in the alley looking into my yeard.

Sign #36: She treats you like a placeholder - You are a temporary solution to a problem such as, but not limited to: Fill in Male/Female Role modelaka - mommy or daddy is not aroundCo-signer - they need to move out of their home/car/trailer, and need your credit to do it, and they will fuck you, untill something batter comes along

Sign #37: People with Helicopter parents. The rentals are always around, and they seem to know if/when/what you guys argur about and actively defend their son/daughter.

Sign #38: Bitches- male and female people who are unhappy with their current lives, and take it out on you. Maybe they dreamed that by 30 they would be millionaires, but life doens't always turn out like that.

From StrawberyKiss
Sign #39: Men/Women who readily admit to sleeping around to get what they want when their boyfriends are at the table.

From theHeras
Sign #40: They tell you to stop saving so that you can pay THEIR bills.

This list keeps growing and the number of people we can potentially save keeps growing in parallel!

in the trenches in the raging war


ROKNROLY said...

They leave a pumpkin on your doorstep with a knife in it and a letter attached that says, "YOU"!

ROKNROLY said...

They murder your pet rabbit and leave it boiling in a stew for you to find when you come home and scream, "Commander Bun-Bun NOOOOOO!!"

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

43. Women who hit you when they are mad. I call you a jerk, you call me a jerk back. Thats how it works. At no time should punches be introduced, because I am pretty sure I can outpunch you JERK.

44. Men or women with massive debt. This cloud will rain on you for the duration of your relationship. Men with alimony payments/child support/escalade payments are pretty much damaged goods. As are women whose husbands used to take them to france for breakfast. Who or what can fulfill these wild expectations in this economy? Yeah he used to let you shop all day long? Then why did he get rid of your ass?

45. Pushovers. men or women you can call on for favors/loans/booty. Their only power is the power to make you feel bad about what a bad person you are. They turn the harsh gaze of cruelty backon you, and make you feel bad for it. They are good for your overall development, but just not too much at once. Kinda like heroin.

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

the "I'm still hot" women. Yeah,i get it. You have younger sisters, daughters or friends, and you desperately want to stay relevant. They listen to B96, make wierd comments on myspace, or try to dress whorish and go to clubs where the sis/daughter/friends hang out. You would think with age comes wisdom, but it is apparent that only desperation grows with age.

Anonymous said...

46. This one builds off of 43...Not only does the women hit, punch, kick the man, but they beat the shit out of the man leaving cuts, scratches, any sort of open wound. Then they have the audacity to call the cops and when they get there say the man hit them, but it is quite evident that not even a strand of hair has moved on them while the man is looking all sorts of fucked up.
47. You meet the person after they broke up with someone and they immediately tell you they are not over them. The EX is part of the family and they have known each other their whole lives. You start dating them thinking, "no biggie" then come to find out they take a family vacation together to Mexico. They come back from the vacation "a month later" and claim nothing happens. You continue to "believe and date them" come to find out months later they have been cheating on you the whole time with the ex. *In this case one is a psycho and the other an idiot for putting up with it.
48. They have the EX call you to find out what is going on. WTF

JokeyJokemaker316 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JokeyJokemaker316 said...

that last comment was too hateful, and will make hookers and hoes alike cry out loud (Please note, when I mean bitches, hookers, skips jump-offs, skeezers, hoes, and scaliwags, I use them in a unisex term)

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

49. People who cheat on their mates, and then get mad when their new mates cheat on them. You know when you got with that bitch they were no good! I keep hearing that eddie griffin snippet from the chronic.

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

Ed-ucation (featuring Eddie Griffin) By DR DRE
From The Album: The Chronic 2001
[Eddie Griffin]
Aww they say uhh..
.. a black man is a pimp
Well let me tell you the biggest pimp
on planet motherfuckin Earth, is her momma
It's her MOMMA that told her,
"Get a man that got a good job gurl!
Make sure he got a good car gurl!
Make sure he can take you out and buy you somethin gurl!"
What happened to just fallin in love with a nigga with a bus pass --
-- just cause you love the nigga?
But +I'm+ the pimp motherfucker!
I gotta be the player!

Biggest hoes, on planet Earth..
.. are walkin through the motherfuckin neighborhood
You KNEW when you got with the nigga he already had a woman
You knew he already had a family
but you fucked him anyway!!!
And then when you thought you gon' lose the nigga
you went and got pregant - didn't you bitch, DIDN'T YOU!!
And then when the nigga ain't around, what do you tell the child?
"Aww that nigga ain't shit, that's why yo' daddy ain't here;
cause that nigga ain't shit."
How bout bein a woman, and tellin the kid the truth
that yo' momma, you was a hoe!
Momma was a hoe, I was weekend pussy
I had you to keep the nigga, it didn't work out
that's why he ain't here - but he a good nigga
cause he take care of his REAL family
I was just a dumb bitch, tryin to keep, a nigga that I wanted