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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Great Mind

After 32 years on this blessed earth I have come to this realization...

I have contacted all the worlds religious leaders and they've assured me this revelation stands among the greatest ever to come from a human mind...

It hit me in the middle of my slumber, the truth was so powerful I had to wake to post it and share this epiphany with you good people...

The following statement is not meant for the weak-minded and will surely shake your whole existence...

Please prepare yourself and and remember you have me to thank for giving this to you..

The first mousetrap wasn’t designed to catch mice at all but to protect little cheese ‘gems’ from burglars.

Pass this wisdom on to the world,



strawberrykiss said...

i knew i wasn't alone in thinking cheese nuggets are as good as gold! a mousetrap was once invented that killed mice in a gas chamber like device. only the germans were interested in it. seriously, that's fucked up.

iz3y! said...

Dude, i looked it up...ur wrong. Just wanted to let u know. It was invented so that Jerry could get Tom.

I am Jack's Colon said...

Wasn't it Tom trying to catch Jerry?

ROKNROLY said...

Yeah dumbass IZ, get your toons right BOY-O!!