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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How to spend the bailout money

Washington seems to think that the way to "fix" our economic woes is to increase consumer spending.  It's why they're spending so much time trying to get banks to lend money--if people have money they will spend it.  But this isn't quite true.  There are some cultural considerations.  First, despite making up only 12-14% of the U.S. population, Blacks outspend every other demographic group by a wide margin.  Mostly because Blacks don't really produce anything.  The term "Black business" is an oxymoron--most Black businesses (particularly those that sell goods) are simply distribution arms for other much larger corporations.  Blacks (and other minority groups) provide the labor for the producers, i.e. they have "jobs" but they aren't really at the top of the food chain.  Thus if the solution really is to increase consumer spending, the dollars should be focused on Blacks.

From rims to Jordans to new furniture for the house, Black people have an affinity for spending money.  It's as if Blacks are allergic to saving.  There are three (THREE!) wealthy Black people on EARTH (Oprah, Bob Johnson's punk ass, and Shawn Carter).  Everyone else is rich and doesn't mind reminding you with customized cars and big homes.  Then there's the hood rich--those that live in the hood but drive similarly customized cars and have the freshest gear, but no net worth.

Unfortunately I'm being dead serious about this.  The concerns Washington has about people saving and hoarding money are only true for people who AREN'T Black.  Dave Chappelle made light of this in a skit on his show.  When Blacks got reparations for slavery, they didn't go and pay off debt or make other smart investments.  They spent the money.  One guy bought a truck full of cigarettes.  That was meant to be a joke, but in reality it is likely to happen.  Sure there are a select few that would spend any "free" money on debt or other prudent investments.  Personally Chase would see most if not all of any money Uncle Sam gave me.  But I have been eyeing these blue tooth headphones to use at my desk, because the cord on my other headphones gets caught in my chair.  And Bachrach is having a liquidation sale...

The point is that Black people will spend that money.  Give dollars to anyone else it's going someplace safe for a rainy day in case they lose their job or worse.  Give it to Black folk?  Someone somewhere will see it.  And quickly.

In all seriousness, consumer spending will do something to help our economy but it will be short lived.  The economy can't be "fixed."  This is the nature of the free-market system--money goes into circulation in large quantities until it no longer has the same value.  This is inflation.  The only way to stop inflation?  Remove money from circulation.  That's called recession.  In other words, the situation we're in now is part of the model.  It has to happen every 10 or so years (the last time we had similar issues was 99-2001 and that was partially blamed on 9/11).  So no matter what the folks in Washington say they're doing or try to do, they can't FIX this issue.

But if they want a quick jolt, put all $800 bil in the hands of Black folk.  I promise you the world will feel the effects of all the shit that will be bought.

1 comment:

JokeyJokemaker316 said...


The money will not be oput into the handsa of blacks dude, there are only like 7 in congress! I can olny name a few:

1) Barack
2) Holder
3) Roland Burris
4) Jesse jackson Jr.?
5) that dude, thats about it.

Bottom line is this money will go to reich white congressman and their pork barrel pet projects.

For the real answer, look above!