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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Young Americanized Muslims positively affecting change in the Middle EAST

I asked Jokey for a topic and this is what he gives me. So i immediately accept the challenge and begin my research. I delve into the issues. How religion, land ownership, and god entitlement have torn this land asunder and reigned in every person born and yet to be born into a war very few understand. I even put down my interweb and went to the library to pour over book after book, scroll after scroll to better identify why even in today's "enlightened" times, these issues continue to ravage the very fabric of humanity in the middle east. How young people who have grown up here in the melting pot of America will be better able to serve those who are too blinded by a feud to care.

You know after hours of reading, weeks of talking to war torn people i came to a realization....


You just cant. Young Americanized muslims? Please...they wouldnt even make a dent to a man or woman who has been fighting for years for an ideal that is not really even theirs. The best we can hope for is that all our commercials and movies where we highly portray Muslims helps them find their way! Oh shit...wait...

So, thank you for reading, but honestly, like in many cases, you cant bring light to closed minded fool. Until you are willing to accept change, change will not come to you. It will instead take over your shit, your family and transform the world around you making you a relic to be ogled at in a great museum, most likely in England.



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