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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Monday, October 4, 2010

What to do when a brawl breaks out.....

Hey, i am sure you have seen the recent baseBRAWLS or have check out past ones. Well anyway, i was almost involved in one and I thought to myself...OH SHIT...What is the ettiquette here? Do I lay someone out? Play Peacemaker? Should i lay back in the cut and comment on it?

Well, i figured why not let these scenarios and play out you all tell me!

SCENARIO: CO-ED softball game (yes, start laughing now); our 220lbs Puerto Rican 3B is being instigated by a ranting lunatic from the other team. The other cat stands 210, but all kinds of misplaced weight...(read fat!). They are about to get face to face. Our PR teammate is about to surrounded by a 230lb firstbasemen, a 140lb guy holding back the 210 lunatic, and we are on the other side of the field......


Yeah, this seems like the most bad ass thing to do. I am a smooth 5'8" pushing 200lbs when i snack hard, so i could most likely run into someone with my fist or foot and do some damage. Shit, with enough steam i should be able to do something!!! I had the lunatic's back to me so my first option is smash this guy. I mean i have a good 60feet of running room, bats at my disposal, and cleats on to get good grip that would launch melike a missile. Potential Jailtime...sure. Potential rep booster: significant!!! In my head, I am thinking I am knocking him out like Mike Fucking Tyson in Hangover...except it would have been an extreme sucker punch. Potential hit to rep for such a pussy move: SIGNIFICANT! Plus I still had the 240lb firstbasemen lurking. Does Alex the PR get my back or I am now facing round two against this tatted up hoss, after laying his friend out like a blow up clown? I should have just grabbed two bats in one hand because i hear that's the bad ass thing to do nowadays.


I could run quickly to Alex and grabbed him and shove him back. By shove I mean lightly push him back. The whole time running I would have to be wondering if I was gonna get clocked by that 240lbs behemoth. Serious...look at it from his point of view. His teammate is 'roid raging out and here comes this mexican charging full steam behind him. I could have been carrying a knife or something! Now once there, now what? Arent I in a position to go 2 on 3? If the shit goes down, am I ready? Do i continue to dodge blow after body blow, then unleash holy hell? Basically as a peacemaker, you only hope you can get your friend without someone testing your jaw. At least as the agressor i get that one clean shot. just never know.


This occurred to me later that this might have been the best possible choice for the blog. I could have filmed the fight, and gotten many more details. I could have made made ridiculous jokes, and instigated an even bigger fight. Sure there is the potential people might think i am a pussy, but hey, at least i am not getting clocked in the back of the head trying to stop a fight, or going to jail because i laid out a punk and went toe to toe with a 240lbs behemoth. Still...that whole being a pussy gnaws away at my soul.

"hey dad, how do you fight?" -son

" fucking idea son..i usually just sit back in the cut and comment" -father

"are you really my dad? Damn..." -son

Yeah...that kind of stings doesnt it!

I clearly went with PEACEMAKER...i mean I wasnt fighting no one, but I had to look like i was down for whatever. I hustled over there and grabbed my boy and pushed him back. The 240 Juggernaut let me live and actually one week later, the bar that sponsored them hooked up a round of beers on the house! What about you guys...what route would you take?


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