Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Walk him and pitch to the Rhino.

So i was minding my own business sitting on the couch watching a news channel trying to keep current. Out of nowhere I caught a whiff of something fierce and realized something horrible was about to happen. Our entire home was suddenly ablaze! My guess, the furnace that was installed recently wasn’t done properly. I managed to pull Bob and Tracy out of the house but when the paramedics arrived they were pronounced dead due to excessive smoke inhalation.

This turned out to be an important event in my life. It did not take long for someone to take me in. He seemed like a nice guy. We watched and threw the football all the time. He always had tons of people over which was exciting because i loved the attention i was given. I also made tons of friends.

One day, however, this all changed. My new home owner, Michael was his name, started treating me differently. Beating me, starving me from time to time. I was eventually placed into a pen like contraption were i was forced, out of starvation and a crazed mindset, to attack one of my dearest friends, Oscar. I beat him down to the point of near death. I was stopped from attacking him and was made to watch as Michael shot and killed Oscar.

This went on from time to time. I never lost a fight. Unfortunately, i watched at least a dozen or so of my friends be murdered. I’m not going to lie. I had a huge part in injuring them to the point of no return. But when you are treated as poorly as i had been. Your mindset changes tremendously.

I had to devise a plan. One of Michael’s friends, Warren, was attempting to move me one day when i saw my chance. I bit his hand and took off as fast as i could. I managed to jump the fence and ran until my legs could not take anymore. Ironically, when i stopped running i was in front of the same type of vehicle that tried to save Bob and Tracy. A firehouse! Yes!

I led them back to where i ran away from. I knew Michael had to pay for killing dozens of my friends. After months of investigation and a long legal process Michael lost his job and eventually went to prison for all he had done to myself and my friends. Now that he is released he is looking for a new job. Usually folks who go to prison and have felonies on their records do not have a second chance at retaining their job. They usually have to work in some type of prison release program or what not.

When one is employed by one of the most privileged professions around it is hard to believe a team will give him a second chance. This remains to be seen. I do not think he deserves that chance. It sucks that if i even attempt to avenge my friends deaths by maiming him or even worse i would be seen as a huge threat and i would be put to sleep.

Put to sleep and he only served 18 months or so of prison time. For killing dozens of my friends he might be given a second chance at earning a million or so bucks a year and playing in a pro league of a sport that so many children love.

I have a plan though. I made friends with a highly qualified group called the Goodfeathers. Not sure if you have heard of them. They assure me that as he is throwing that football to those high school players in Atlanta he will unknowingly be under siege. I will do nothing but watch him from the bushes and keep watch. Keep watch and know that a man who killed many of my friends is free and no matter what i attempt directly, i would be killed, no questions asked.

Good luck Goodfeathers. I will be watching.


JokeyJokemaker316 said...

i am sure vick was out on a "Rapestand" in prison once or twice, and the thought delights me to no end.


Lassie the wonderdog

strawberrykiss said...
