Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I was thinking about todd stroger the other day....

I was having a discussion the other day about Todd Stroger, when I was accused of being a racist. I argued that the race of the candidate had nothing to do with the piss poor job Stroger had done so far. I was yelled at and ridiculed and it hit me. Stroger will win again, and I declare to you, that when that does, someone will kill him. I also declare that the someone will be black. Stroger is fucking it up for everyone. Yeah Stroger can count on certian votes, but he is mistreating, and making blatant errors that the politically savvy cannot afford to make. I predict that he will be beaten with a lead pipe like the mayor of Milwaukee. Like out of the movie American Me, when the mexicans all killed another mexican who was percieved to be weak.

I left the event angered, and as I was leaving, I was called racist and a N@#$%@-hater. aside from my anger over being deemed racist for pointing out race-free stupidity, I was upset over a black guy calling another black guy a N(*&&^%. I said to myself "How the FUCK can this asshole call me racist, and then in the same breath use the N word liberally?" I made up my mind.

I waited outside untill the accuser left. I followed closely behind, but not enough to arouse suspision. I quitely pulled out my weapon of choice. A softball bat with 2 feet sawed off of the handle, wrapped in black tape, and made a move. My first blow to his lower back dropped him to his knees. The second blow to the base of the skull dropped him like a ton of bricks. I then drew out my replica RAMBO knife and went to work on his face. When he saw me, I gently whispered "Sh sh sh sh sh." Like one would hush a fussy baby, shook my head side to side. I secured his head, and went to work on his face. I was angered by the racist remarks, and wanted to show him i liked all races. I slit an inch on either side of he eyes, and called him chinese. I said "Me so sa wee." in a faux-racists manner, and I then said "THAT shit is racist!" I then said "If you aren't gonna use your ears, I'll help you get rid of them." I made stupid jokes like "Lend me your ear." I left him a bloody mess and called the cops myself. I want him disfigured, not dead.

You, dear reader, will not find this story in any newspaper, nor will you find the guy i did this to in any hospital. The fact of ythe matter is, the media does not want these stories to get out because they go against the idea that the government cannot stop me. The government does not have a quick fix for the problem of people rising up and killing our so called leaders. Yeah, I fucked that guy up, but so what? if it's not me, then its some death panel set up by a shitty healthcare plan set up by the current political party. I figure the facial disfigurement will help him remember that the true price of ignorance is pain. In this case, that ignorance is a belief that The Cook County Board is doing right by you and me. On a larger scale, its the ignorance of believeing rich old white guys and one black guy are gonna do whats best for you and me when it comes to healthcare. The price of fucking with me is far worse.

"Any government big enough to give you rights and freedoms, is big enough to take them away - Thomas Jefferson",CST-EDT-open19.article


ROKNROLY said...

This post makes RoboJesus cry!

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

hey Rolas, i heard mica was looking for you!!!!!