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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

iz3y's crazy theories: "why hate the player...hate the game"

This is mainly for my women...and some of the men out there who have been bamboozled...led a a amok...and who had Plymouth Rock land of them. Here is my second installment of ... iz3y's crazy theories: "why hate the player...hate the game"

1. If guy is an asshole or a girl is a is highly likely that is not changing. Because they light some candles or take u to dinner, or go down on u in the restaurant the way u like it, does not make them perfect for you. IT doesnt wash away the mark of evil they have on their scalp. Why oh why do people think they can change muthafuckas...they cant! He/She came in an evil spawn, barring life changing events (and those dont include u being a great person) they are going to die evil spawns! YOU CAN'T CHANGE THEM...i can't stress this enough.

2. The Multiple personality one is trickier...these are the fools who come in like Mrs Cleaver or wearing the Super girl outfit to suck you in. Women, this is the guy who plays guitar, and is nice to his mom. This person is a fucking trap. The signs are subtle but they are there!!! For instance...while they are being all nice and shit, they suddenly pop off because you want to help them prepare food in the kitchen. Or you tell them you're going out with friends and BOOM..."oh for real...i thought we would go out...oh...well have me...i could always just go with you". It may seem sweet at the time, but really that is their crazy/evil rising up like liquid hot magma and steaming just a little. Over time, they cant supress it until u have a raging fucking volcano on ur hands and ur asking the fuck did i get here? Well ignored the signs!

3. the Sucker punch...oh...this one isnt so bad because while it hurts the sting isnt so bad. The sucker punch is person who is cool, so u hang out. Simple, easy, feel like you could one day really like this person. Then after a couple, they hit you with..."I mean lets not get serious...we're not REALLY Dating..." after you find out they are calling/texting/im-ing half the city. Oh the sucker punch is funny because they are right. You were never they kept on their grind, your ass just forgot!

in the immortal words of OMAR from 'The Wire', "the game is the game!"

reporting live from the field,

Underworld - Dark and Long (dark Train)

1 comment:

Pumps said...

Ha, I like to call #2 the Bait and Switch...and it's way more common than you think. Eyes open folks...eyes OPEN.