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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


is there any healthy addiction, or is by definition an unhealthy thing?
i'm strawberry kiss, and i am addicted to reading. some days are better than others, but there are times when the craving hits. it doesn't matter whether i'm at home, at work, grocery falls heavy. i want to read. i want to get lost in someone else's world. i want the information in whatever form the author gives it, fiction, non-fiction, humor, biographies, memoires, long books, short books, big words, no pictures, just give it to me. show me something you know that i don't. teach me about the history of your world; open up and let me in. take the wheel and let's go for a ride.
finishing a book has a great sense of accomplishment. the closure carries a satisfaction i wish i could share with others. there are more books in this world, good ones even, than i can ever read. this is both a comfort and a challenge.
i know what you're thinking and no, i'm not replacing books with pleasures of the flesh or anything like that. i'm sure to leave time, energy, effort for all the things of a healthy lifestyle.
i think it might stem from long commutes to/from work. so much time i could be learning something instead of sitting in traffic. i don't even have a CD player that works, or i'd nerd that out. so much time is spent not being productive, not becoming more invested in something that matters. so far, it hasn't interfered with my life, but the rush, the withdrawal when it's not around...surely those are signs of an addiction or an ailment, no?

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