Shout OUT!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Too Big to fail
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Well at my work there is a guy who's specialty is to walk around and hmm the worst song he can think of. Whether it be the chicken dance or the Macarena. He starts off all low, then goes full blown into it, and if he doesn't get u, he asks why u arent singing it. Now if you respond, he's got you because now ur brain is exposed. You will hate urself more than that time u hooked up with that random one nighter in grade school. Really just bad times.
Well lately, I had this song in my head and I just couldnt get it out. I mean I tried. I listened to hip hop, new wave, mix tapes and even reggaeton, but nothing seemed to work. It got more and more powerful. I would find myself thinking about it all day, and wanting to shake my head or bash it against the wall. Finally, it just left. Like it was done ravaging my mind and decided, "you know what, I will be back, so enjoy ur peace bitch."
So my question is, does anyone have a cure for this? IS there a fool proof way of ridding urself of this insanity? People lets hear ur thoughts!
So I always wanted to be a DJ....
So what happened you asked? Well simply, I didnt know where to get started. I had no sense of what I needed to do to make this impossible dream become a reality. I would ask a couple DJs how they got started and they told me about their first decks and how it cost so much money. I never really wanted for anything as a kid, but my fam was pretty on the low income side. Moms would just stretch a dollar until Washington looked like Fat Albert. So thought of asking for equipment that would help me make that 'Garbage music' my dad was so fond of, well it never really jibed. Also, and more importantly, I didnt think I could. Even more important than that, I am the type of cat that would want the diamond tipped needles and the latest deck, despite have no real concept of what the fuck I was doing. Finally, I had my dad to teach me sports, and in particular Baseball.
Over the years I still scooped music and in myhead try to think what went with what. I would hear a song, grip that, then go get every other version of it, IN CASE, one sounded better. Of course I bought the mix tapes/CDs, and now i download them. I will drown out my world with them....dancing away in my chair in my cube.
So here I am a smooth 31, and I have list of shit I have always wanted to do. You know outside of the big ones, like get a new life, raise my son the best way i can, and ensure my ticket to Heaven. I am not promising I am on the road to becoming a DJ, but I will say, i will look into it again. I am sure I am going to suck because, well i have terrible sense of time, but I will say I will try. This brings me to my final point...BIG FUCKING UPS TO my boys who did it or at least tried. Damn, that had to be rough buying all that shit, hoping you would be good. I don't know where u got the stones, but good work. This is why i have mad respect for anyone who can do things I can't or didnt do.
So, Miggy Migs (Trancid), Carlos Feliciano, Victor Salazar, Dave Macias (DJ Cratebug), serious big ups to you all. Keep doing what you do, while I jam out to your beats. Raf...u just do what u do...
i'm with the DJ
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Because I know you guys wanna know about my vacation...
- Do NOT stay at the Cottonwoods Resort and Suites in Scottsdale. Why? Because it's not a resort. Sure it's expansive and has tennis courts--but no robes or slippers in the rooms, no spa on site and EVERYTHING is extra. Not that I came to use any of those things but they should be there if the name of the hotel has "resort" in it. Guess that's what I get for booking on Hotwire
- If you're coming to Phoenix in the spring for a long weekend, don't come on Thursday--because everyone else is too. Meanwhile, the car rental places will be out of cars, even if you have a reservation. Get there Wednesday and save yourself the trouble of dealing with all the extra people in the airport.
- Speaking of people at the airport, I've never been around an uglier collection of people at one time. And I'm from the Midwest. We're talking a range from flat out not cute to mugs who just didn't give a fuck about how they look. Just no pride in self. Thank God for Tacos + Tequila (dinner spot the last night) and Camelback Ranch, otherwise I'd be concerned for Phoenix.
- If we ever get Richard, Mitch, John London and Sebastian in the same room at the same time, there's gonna be a good time had. The level of fun will be much much lower should any of the alter egos show up.
- Eff what you've read on is no where near being ready to pitch. In fact he should retire or just throw batting practice (which is what he did in the Giants game Friday). The man can't find the strike zone with GPS.
- The Sox will struggle with infield defense this season. Both Fields and Starting Second Baseman will be liabilities from what I've seen in my short time here.
- Paulie however will be the Paulie that signed that huge contract extension after the World Series, provided he stays healthy.
- The sun reflects its light off of light colored surfaces. Which means all my white folks out there need to prepare for the coming warm weather. Fake bake. I really don't want to need sunglasses to see you walking down the street come May. You could EASILY spot all the Midwesterners at Camelback Ranch--they were the extra pale folks. The ones just glad to have some sun in their lives. The ones that won't be able to move tomorrow due to sunburn. Bottom line--either cover it up with some linen or brown it up before hand.
- Scottsdale brings a new meaning to "baller." Broke mugs drive Lexus's out there. I'm talkin Rolls, Bentley's, etc. And an unreasonable amount of Hummers for some reason (which isn't baller but whatever).
- John McCain is full of shit. Phoenix has more highway construction (i.e. pork projects) than any state I've seen in a while--and I live in Illinois and am from Ohio. If he's not eating swine then it's his fellow senator from the state of AZ. Either way AZ is getting all kinds of pork.
- Scene: First baseline at Camelback ranch, right outside the men's bathroom.
- The scenario: foul ball comes out of nowhere after bouncing onto the concourse and under the stairs leading to the "suites"
- Action: Nick "The Esquire" Cummings shows that he's in mid season softball form by fielding the ball in spectacular fashion--diving with a Sox nap sack on his back and catching it with one hand while some kid Dodger fan lumbers toward him. He not only didn't drop the nap sack, but the Ones stayed white and he didn't lose his hat. Note: Concentration on the ball was so intense that I didn't even notice the kid. Michelle had to tell me about it later.
- "He's got a date with a rabbit." -- Michelle after spotting a guy in Fry's grocery store with mad veggies and some Amaretto in his basket.
- "I'm not buying lemonade from a guy that looks like he's a child molester." -- Mitch in full Mitch mode at the Whitesox vs. Giants game on Friday commenting on the lemonade vendor. Keep in mind it's hotter than a fat hooker in church who got a ride from her fat sister in their Smart Car with no AC--one shouldn't discriminate on where to buy lemonade but here we are.
- "He who hesitates masturbates." -- Jim Carey in "The Cable Guy" which was on HBO EARLY Friday morning. We were still on CDT and wide awake and not much else on on sucky hotel cable unless you're willing to pay. And I'm just not a PPV kind of guy.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Is this felt?
Jackass drunk lawyer at lunch: Is this felt?
Waitress: What??
Jackass MARRIED drunk lawyer at lunch: (hand reaches inappropriate destination) NOW it is. (creepy grin)
Waitress: exits stage left, mortified and angry
This might have been funny 20 year ago, when you were young and allowed to be stupid. Leave it alone. Now you're just a creepy asshole who gets drunk and feels up waitresses at lunch.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
GET HIGH LIKE PAPER, get fly like planes
- THE SWA CHECK-IN - so on Southwest, if u dont check in at home, u basically have a 5%chance of getting an aisle or window seat. No bones about it, i am sure my mom suggested this because she is the type to show up at an airport 3 hours in advance and wait by the gate 2 hours in advance. If she could check into a flight a year in advance, you best believe she will. Me, I knocked it out a smooth 1 1/2 early from my sister’s house...others...they still go to the gate and that is where our story starts!
- THE OLD SWITCHAROO - So this guy is getting on my flight rocking the last known Ed Hardy Trucker Hat in existence, and he’s accompanied by a very diminutive, yet cute blonde chick. They are obviously very much in love. Of course they checked in late because they are in Group C, also known as, middle seat and apart from each other!!! I am in group B and as I get on the flight, some whipper snapper tries to step in front of me, failing to realize Southsiders dont play that shit and I quickly step in front and board the plane.
I digress…Ed HArdy...well him and his woman are still star gazing. As i get on the plane i immediately realize seating is mad limited. So i scoop the first aisle I see. The last window was taken by the quicker Black guy in front of me, and lucky, because his boy took the aisle in the same row. As I am sitting i see ED HArdy roll on, blonde in tow...and they have realized what I did...there are no two seats together. So they go up to my row (mid way point) and start staring into the back hoping that his trucker hat will materialize this non existent couples seating. They are causing a log jam and people are grumbling...then the pilot comes on.. "WE ARE NOT LEAVING UNTIL WE FIND SOME SEATING...(ed hardy gets excited) for this mother and her 4 yr old child. Unless you want a crying kid sitting next to you...give up ur seat. (ed hardy was visibly crushed...CRUSHED!)
So they dont move, instead they are still staring at the back of the plane. Then he heads 3 rows up from me and spots that no white person wanted to sit in between the bruthas...they were obviously middle class, but one wanted to take the chance. So ED HARDY rolls up, and starts bartering with the guy in the aisle seat (a smooth 5'10 220lbs) to take a middle seat a row in front of me, so that him and his girlfriend could sit together. He literally thought this was working. He was not going to sit his little blonde in between them for what i am sure he thought would break out into a tag team fest. So he keeps going...asking, pleading with this dude to give up his aisle seat to take a middle! Finally, and i have no idea why, the Aisle Black man, moves one seat over to the middle so that lil White girl could grab the aisle. Ed HArdy, resigned to the fact, he will not be sitting next to her, begins to stow his little, YES...ED HARDY MESSENGER BAG in the over head.
Slamming the lid like a little kid asked to clean up his room. He spots a middle seat across the aisle and three rows up from the blonde smurfette and moves in quick. He starts asking that aisles window seat if he would trade his blonde smurfette's aisle seat for the window so they could sit togther, and therefore TOTALLY FUCKING OVER THE PREVIOUSLY AISLE BLACK MAN who is now, the BITCH MIDDLE SEAT BLACK MAN! The guy says sure, and the two black dudes start laughing realizing, one of them just got bitched. The former WINDOW guy is a smooth 5'6" 185 and he smiles because he realizes that his new row is going to be real snug. ED HARDY, you conniving bastard, I hope u get mugged! - When at the airport, do not drown out all the noise around u with headphones…you will end trying to get on the wrong flight boarding at the gate next to yours. You will then experience that awkwardness that only loud headphones and sunglasses can help u escape from.
- Who shops from the sky mall? Do people crave bizarre products and inflated prices? It is fun to check out the LOTR stuff LOTR geeks will be picking up.
- The woman next to me is semi-cute and has arms almost as big as mine…should I be worried?
- Why is it that as soon as the wheels of the plane touch the ground people fire up their cell phones and initiate a 2 hour long convo full of longing emotion. The flight was 2 hours...u just left them 2 - 3 hours ago. Did those people purposefully not talk to their families all day, just to save up for the after flight convo?
- When planes land, why do people not in the first 10 rows fire out of their seat and stand in the aisle? YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE. It is going to take a at least 10 min to get near you, so sit down and relax. You were most likely just on vacation!
so so fly,
Friday, March 13, 2009
ASK BUCKY! - Irish eyes are smiling...
Q: Is it ok to start drinking at 9:00am on Sat for St. Patty's day?
BDG: Of course...I mean ur starting later than normal u alcoholic, but it is for a good cause. St. Patrick was.... I mean...thanks to his contributions we have..... Oh Fuck it, just drink!
Q: When a girl says 'I dont normally do this on the first date', can i Believe her?
BDG: Sure. Normally i believe she just sleeps with the guy and drops the pretense, so she must really like you to go through with that bullshit story. Seriously, does it matter if she normally does it or doesnt? Ur too drunk to know her last name or too horny to care.
Q: My boss is riding my ass, and i really find it unfair. What should I do?
BDG: Your fucking job u lazy sack of shit. I find that if you actually do your work, your boss looks good and people leave u alone. Or just say fuck it and quit...being homeless is such a liberating experience.
Q: If I go on Craigs list to find a date, does that make me a loser?
BDG: yes! sorry, i have no other answer for you. The random hook up using Craigs list..ok, that makes u a good hunter. Attempting to find ur true love..well that is fucked up son!
Q: I like this guy, but he doesnt really notice me? Should I make the first move?
BDG: Well, do you want to go out with him? Do you like having sex? I mean, people this is the 2000s....step ur game up. Women, buy HIM a drink or keep on gold digging. Just know that there are expectations if u do. Yes, i am referring to you having to give up some ass. It is time to admit that the both sexes want the same thing and act accordingly.
Q: I got mean mugged by a butch woman at a bar. Can I treat her like a man and talk shit or does the rule 'you can't hit a woman' apply here?
BDG: It applies. Sure they want to dress, act, and smell like a dude, but they are not. Is she gonna get puffy chested...yep. Can you lay her out? Wait...can you? Some of these women are pretty tough. Just protect ur package and eyes, and back need to catch a case because someone shot u a dirty look.
Q: This girl keeps saying she will call me back but doesnt...should i worry?
BDG: worry about what?
- Are you married? If yes, u should rejoice that ur not getting nagged.
- Are you going out steady? Well then at least u dont have to worry about getting her something nice for her bday because she is about to break up with you.
- Are you just talking/getting to know her? Well you just found out all u need to know. She is not into you and u need to move on to her best friend...
as always a total pleasure
-Bucky Done Gun!
Pontifications on the economy
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
What Happens When I'm At WORK and I have to Poop?
For those of you who hate pooping at work as much as I did, I give you the.........
Survival Guide for Taking a Dump at Work.
Memorize these definitions and pooping at work will become a pure pleasure.
ESCAPEE: A fart that slips out while taking a leak at the urinal or forcing poop in a stall. This is usually accompanied by a sudden wave of panic/embarrassment. This is similar to the hot flash you receive when passing an unseen police car & speeding. If you release an escapee, do not acknowledge it. Pretend it did not happen. If you are standing next to the farter at the urinal, pretend that you did not hear it. No one likes an escapee, it is uncomfortable for all involved. Making a joke or laughing makes both parties feel uneasy.
JAILBREAK (Used in conjunction with escapee): When forcing a poop, several farts slip out at a machine gun's pace. This is usually a side effect of diarrhea or a hangover. If this should happen do not panic, remain in the stall until everyone has left the bathroom so to spare everyone the awkwardness of what just occurred.
COURTESY FLUSH: The act of flushing the toilet the instant the nose cone of the poop log hits the water and the poop is whisked away to an undisclosed location. This reduces the amount of air time the poop has to stink up the bathroom. This can help you avoid being caught doing the WALK OF SHAME.
WALK OF SHAME: Walking from the stall, to the sink, to the door after you have just stunk-up the shitter. This can be a very uncomfortable moment if someone walks in and busts you. As with all farts, it is best to pretend that the smell does not exist. Can be avoided with the use of a COURTESY FLUSH.
OUT OF THE CLOSET POOPER: A colleague who poops at work and is damn proud of it. You will often see an Out of the Closet Pooper enter the bathroom with a newspaper or magazine under their arm. Always look around the office for the Out OF THE CLOSET POOPER before entering the bathroom.
THE POOPING FRIENDS NETWORK (PFN): This is a group of coworkers who band together to ensure emergency pooping goes off without incident. This group can help you to monitor the whereabouts of OUT OF THE CLOSET POOPERS and identify SAFE HAVENS.
SAFE HAVEN: A seldom used bathroom somewhere in the building where you can least expect visitors. Try floors that are predominantly of the opposite sex. This will reduce the odds of a pooper of your sex entering the bathroom.
TURD BURGLAR: A pooper who does not realize that you're in the stall and tries to force the door open. This is one of the most shocking and vulnerable moments that occur when taking a dump at work. If this occurs, remain in the stall until the TURD BURGLAR leaves. This way you will avoid all uncomfortable eye contact. TURD BURGLARS have been know to cause premature pinchage, which inevitably causes you to pinch one off in the middle.
CAMO-COUGH: A phony cough which alerts all new entrants into the bathroom that you are in a stall. This can be used to cover-up a WATERMELON or to alert potential TURD BURGLARS. Very effective when used in conjunction with an ASTAIRE.
ASTAIRE: This is a subtle toe-tap that is used to alert all potential TURD BURGLARS that you are occupying a stall. This will remove all doubt that the stall is occupied. If you hear an ASTAIRE, leave the bathroom immediately so the pooper can poop in peace.
WATERMELON: A turd that creates a loud splash when hitting the toilet water. This is also an embarrassing incident. If you feel a WATERMELON coming on, create a diversion. See CAMO-COUGH.
HAVANA OMELET: A load of diarrhea that creates a series of loud splashes in the toilet water. Often accompanied by an escapee. Try using a CAMO-COUGH with an ASTAIRE.
UNCLE TED: A bathroom user who seems to linger around forever. Could spend extended lengths of time in front of the mirror or sitting on the pot. An UNCLE TED makes it difficult to relax while on the crapper, as you should always wait to drop your load when the bathroom is empty. This benefits you as well as the other bathroom attendees.
FLY BY: The act of scouting out a bathroom before pooping. Walk in, check for other poopers. If there are others in the bathroom, leave and come back again. Be careful not to become a FREQUENT FLYER. People may become suspicious if they catch you constantly going into the bathroom.
GHOST Poop: The kind where you feel the Poop come out, but there is no Poop in the toilet.
CLEAN Poop: The kind where you Poop it out, see it in the toilet, but there is nothing on the paper.
WET Poop: The kind where you wipe your butt 50 times and it still feels un-wiped, so you have to put some toilet paper between your butt and your underwear so you don't ruin them with a stain.
SECOND WAVE Poop: This happens when you're done Pooping and you've pulled your pants up to your knees, and you realize that you have to Poop some more.
POP-A-VEIN-IN-YOUR-FOREHEAD-Poop: The kind where you strain so much to get it out, you practically have a stroke.
LINCOLN LOG Poop: The kind of Poop that is so huge you're afraid to flush without first breaking it into little pieces with the toilet brush.
GASSEY Poop: It's so noisy, everyone within earshot giggles.
DRINKER Poop: The kind of Poop you have the morning after a night of drinking. Its most noticeable trait is the skid marks on the bottom of the toilet.
CORN Poop: (Self-explanatory)
GEE-I-WISH-I-COULD-Poop-Poop: The kind where you want to Poop, but all you do is set on the toilet and fart a few times.
SPINAL TAP Poop: This is when it hurts so badly coming out you'd swear it was leaving you sideways.
WET CHEEKS Poop: (The Power Dump). The kind that comes out of your butt so fast, your butt cheeks get splashed with water.
LIQUID Poop: The kind where yellowish-brown liquid shoots out of your butt and splashes all over the toilet bowl.
MEXICAN Poop:It smells so badly that your nose burns.
UPPER CLASS Poop: The kind of Poop that has no odor.
THE SURPRISE Poop: You are not at the toilet because you think you are about to fart but...oops...a Poop!!!
THE DANGLING Poop: This Poop refuses to drop into the toilet even though you know you are done Pooping it. You just pray that a shake or two will cut it loose.
As with all other submissions, I leave this one open to any comments.
Your Pooper Friend,
i'm strawberry kiss, and i am addicted to reading. some days are better than others, but there are times when the craving hits. it doesn't matter whether i'm at home, at work, grocery falls heavy. i want to read. i want to get lost in someone else's world. i want the information in whatever form the author gives it, fiction, non-fiction, humor, biographies, memoires, long books, short books, big words, no pictures, just give it to me. show me something you know that i don't. teach me about the history of your world; open up and let me in. take the wheel and let's go for a ride.
finishing a book has a great sense of accomplishment. the closure carries a satisfaction i wish i could share with others. there are more books in this world, good ones even, than i can ever read. this is both a comfort and a challenge.
i know what you're thinking and no, i'm not replacing books with pleasures of the flesh or anything like that. i'm sure to leave time, energy, effort for all the things of a healthy lifestyle.
i think it might stem from long commutes to/from work. so much time i could be learning something instead of sitting in traffic. i don't even have a CD player that works, or i'd nerd that out. so much time is spent not being productive, not becoming more invested in something that matters. so far, it hasn't interfered with my life, but the rush, the withdrawal when it's not around...surely those are signs of an addiction or an ailment, no?
Monday, March 9, 2009
What iz3y learned this last weekend (3/6-3/8)
- Groundbreaking movies, with groundbreaking special effects still can go to hell if not edited correctly. 3 hours to tell a 2 hour movie is not cool
- If you get pulled over in Stickney, 14 cop cars are going to show up, they are going to close the exit-ramp, and people are going to stare at you as we drive by.
- Black and Mexican people are not exclusive to crime...neither are males.....
- Do not say you want the biggest fries a joint can offer unless ur prepared to eat a shit ton of fries
- 10 cane rum is the shit...more and more converts nightly!
- seeing people from your past is awesome, especially when they are super cool
- DJs who take ur every request is baller
- Hanging out in a Lesbian bar...extremely interesting
- the butch chick leads...even when she dances with a guy
- they really love bachata...i believe i know why..and wow...u sneaky bastards!
- there are very possessive lesbian broads who hang out at the bar, but they put in double work mean mugging guys and girls!
- a tornado will not stop me from getting my iPHONE fixed
- i can't live without my iPHONE working at 100% efficiency
- you can't play catchphrase with drunk doesnt work
- Big Bowl is a pretentious restaurant with good Kung Pao shrimp that is no longer on the menu
- it doesn't matter how detailed ur plan is, if no one is paying attention!
wiser and older,
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Is Loul Deng Hurt? Or is he just a softee?

But then I realized that hey, they were serious. Serious about making a statement.
First of all, a little background is in order. Deng, who signed a six-year contract worth a guaranteed $71 million last July, has been out with what is listed on the stat sheet as a "right shin contusion."
Since then, there have been various reports stating that he has a right tibia stress fracture. But, Deng comes out yesterday and in trying to explain the situation, makes things as clear as mud.
''My whole thing is, if I had no pain, I would play,'' he said. ''My other question is: When I play, am I making it any worse? That's where we're at right now.''
But the press release that the Bulls issued in response to all this really takes the cake.
Now, obviously I do not have a copy of the exact release because I am not a member of the media. So I will try and transcribe what it said, based on what I heard on local sports radio this morning.
The title of the release is "Luol Deng Injury Update."
It basically states that the latest medical tests that Deng underwent showed no breaks of any kind. But here's the best part: He will "undergo active rest" and is "encouraged to challenge himself physically."
It goes on to say that the Bulls will allow an expeditious return to play, but that it is day-to-day.
Now, initially, I thought that the team might be covering Deng's butt by giving this update.
But the more I thought about the statement saying that he should "challenge himself," the more I realized that the Bulls were basically calling out their own player and saying that he should be tolerating the pain, and should have his ass back on the court.
Well, that's refreshing.
Of course, no one knows how much pain the young man is really in and this would be a shame if the Bulls ended up being wrong about all this.
And I think the Bulls recognize that risk. So instead of GM John Paxson coming out and directly questioning Deng's desire to play, he cleverly disguised what amounts to the very same thing in a well-worded press release.
At least that's my take. Do you read something else into it?
Look, everyone's pain tolerance is different and far be it for me to judge another player's willingness to do his job.
But when his own team takes the time and effort to carefully craft a message like this, it makes me wonder. Because they know Luol better than we do and they are closer to the situation.
In any event, recently acquired John Salmons played well in Deng's absence, scoring 23 in the Bulls 110-88 victory over the Kings at the United Center last night.
Meanwhile, I still can't help but snicker at the way the Bulls cleverly disguised that press release. How does one undergo active rest anyway? I always felt that either you were resting or you were active.
But both? Now, that's quite a trick.
So, Luol Deng is day-to-day. Hey, aren't we all, come to think of it?