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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

so i am arrogant...why arent you?

i realized the other day that i may be perceived as pretty arrogant.  I didn't think that the crown i wore as i paraded around the streets shouting my name at the top of my lungs, whilst a 20 piece marching band played my theme song was such an obvious sign of arrogance.  Far be it from me to to be ashamed because i wipe my ass with 20 dollar bills and i have no sense regret.  Sure, i could probably tone down the talk of flying on my private jet to far away destinations like Columbus or Milwaukee, but that would only serve your well being and not mine.

You see, i am arrogant.  Hell God made me that way.  When we last sat down and talked he told me to love myself and what am I supposed to do, not listen?  Am I supposed to take his heavenly decree and pretend he didn't tell me that?  I mean that cat is everywhere and it is not like I can pretend i didn't hear him.  So here I am in the unenviable position of being awesome, recognizing my own awesomeness, and having to, no....being directed to live my awesomeness.  I mean, I am so awesome, that I don't even have to say anything about my awesomeness because haters are talking about my awesomeness, and how they awesomely hate it.  I literally can just live my life on the low, enjoy time with my peoples, and haters are doing all the viral marketing for me.  Oh, and I know you think you need a lot of haters but you don't.  1 or 2 well placed haters can do the work of thousands.

What does this mean for you?  Not a damn thing because i am not worried about that.  I have faith that you too already live in your awesomeness and have come to embrace it.  If you haven't get to it.
As the wise Kat Williams once said..."self esteem is the esteem of yourself SIMPLE BITCH...what the fuck do i have to do with it."

I will be printing out tshirts with that saying starting next week, right after my game of bags where i will be so awesome!


Joe Esposito - You're the Best Around


JokeyJokemaker316 said...

But do you have your own wooden throne? CHECKMATE

iz3y! said...

well played