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Friday, July 8, 2011

Flat butts

Through hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, the world has given each species specific mutations that give said species a leg up in survival. Sometimes, certain traits are developed simply to make one more attractive to the opposite sex in order to procreate. Others are utilitarian in nature. But evolution has missed something key in the human race: ass.

As it becomes more acceptable to celebrate woman with nice, big, round butts (as been done on numerous occasions in his space) we forget that there are still those out there whose bodies did not get the memo that ass is a good thing. And it's not confined to a particular race--it's assumed generally that white women have flat butts. Many white women do indeed have nassatall disease, however there are plenty of Latinas and Black women who are just as afflicted. The issue becomes though, how is this a good thing for our species and why hasn't evolution cured us yet?

Small boobs and penises--other body parts believed to have an advantage in terms of obtaining a mate--still have utility. Small breasts can still produce milk, while small penises can still be used to procreate. But WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF A FLAT ASS??? I mean it just looks gross. There's nothing worse than seeing an excellent specimen of human design walking toward you...and wincing as they walk away. Seeing that dress hang on absolutely nothing, or their pants falling down because there's really nothing to hold them up. Having a flat butt has to be uncomfortable as well. Sitting at a right angle in a chair has to be bad on one's back.

So come on Darwinists! Hook up the humans! We're already the planet's superior beings. We have plenty of other disease to control the population--we don't need the help of the unattractiveness of nassatall. Sure there are surgeries to correct the issue. But if evolution is so bad ass we wouldn't need it right? Nature would just weed it out. We've been dealing with the phenomenon for thousands of years already. Shouldn't we be rid of flat ass by now???

I'm tired of magazines, sayin flat butts are the thing

1 comment:

William Russ said...

100% agreed, seeing a woman who is just fine all around except for the ass is just a complete turn off for me. Maybe evolution will get it right with the next couple of generations, I mean look at the woman of other races who have in the past have been known for flat asses, but now they have the anomalies like Coco and this lady